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Read to the end and you will learn the steps you should take to make the wishes you make on New Year’s Eve come true. And if you prefer not to read, but to watch videos, then I described this algorithm in this short video: VIDEO: A simple algorithm on how to realize your desires this year 1. Write down all your goals on paper. While your desire is just in your head, it is constantly postponed. It may be perceived by your psyche as too easy, so it is not necessary to do it today and you can put it off: “I’ll start tomorrow, there’s still plenty of time.” Or it may be perceived as too complicated or even unclear how to implement it. And since it’s not clear somehow, I’ll also put it aside and think about it tomorrow. 2. Concretization of desires As soon as we have written out all the desires on paper, we proceed to step 2 CONCRETE. By specifying desires, we turn them into goals. And for this, we clarify as much as possible what exactly you want, how you will understand that you received it, by what date you want to implement it. Why do you need this goal, how will you feel when you realize it. 3. Search for resources. Write down below all your resources that you have to realize what you want. This is about material resources, time, and your strengths, your talents, skills. 4. Planning After you have written a goal and decided on a date, identify subgoals and write an action plan. Determine in broad strokes what you will do within 6-12 months to achieve your goal. And describe in detail the plan for the next 2 weeks. 5. Write down any obstacles you may have on the way to your goals. For example, you are afraid that you will not cope with your diet and will “break down,” especially if there are a lot of holiday meetings ahead. Then write what or who will help you cope with this and how you will act if a “failure” occurs. You can promise yourself not to feel guilty and not to scold yourself if you eat bad foods, you can seek help from a psychologist, and also find like-minded people who are losing weight. When you understand in advance how to cope with an obstacle, it becomes not scary. 6. The next step is to write a list of how you will thank yourself for your successes. This could be small daily or weekly gratitude at first and there must be significant gratitude for a certain big result. For example, you have lost weight by 5 kg or your waist size has decreased by 5 cm - and for this you can give yourself a spa. 7. Your starting point. To make it easy to track your results, be sure to describe the current point where you are - what or what you are today, how you feel, what surrounds you, who surrounds you, how satisfied you are. Then it will be easier for you to track your progress. You will see not only numbers, but also what is generally happening to you and your reality. For example, your weight may remain the same for the first 2 weeks, but you may feel a surge of energy or lightness due to your actions 8. Make a habit tracker - which daily habits will help you achieve your desired goal, and which habits should be abandoned. For example, when losing weight, you include in your daily diet the habit of drinking a glass of clean water in the morning to start your metabolism. 9. Keep a diary. In the morning, write down 1 important step for the day to achieve your goal. And in the evening, every day or once a week, sum up what you have done, what successes you have achieved, how you feel. AND ACT! If you just write and plan, then the result will only be on paper. So take action, take a small step every day towards your goal! Take all the steps and enjoy how your desires become reality. Make your 2023 the best, brightest year you've ever had, despite the shit that's going on around you! Share your insights in the comments, what goals do you want to achieve this year, what is stopping you, what are your fears?