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Today, one of the common causes of depressive states is an outstanding loan. Creditomania is one of the new types of addiction that has been gaining momentum in recent years in our country. Like all conveniences, the ability to take out a loan to purchase what you need without a long period of accumulation, of course, a blessing. After all, a loan allows you to “buy time,” and this purchase sometimes turns out to be the most valuable. So, for example, an expensive operation can be performed on time, a young family can move into their own apartment and gain, if not financial, then at least territorial independence from their parents, and cars have long been no longer a luxury, but have become a completely common means of transportation . And if this “tool” also helps increase income, then why not purchase it on credit. And here, as they say, “a spoon is good for dinner,” and there are situations when “half the kingdom can be given for a horse.” But this is precisely the “trap” of any convenience - the completely elusive at first time line between the conscious choice and addiction. In the first case, a person has a choice, and here all the pros and cons are weighed, their own capabilities to repay what they borrowed, prospects for the development of events, etc. are realistically assessed. Things are completely different if an advertising offer to purchase something on credit overshadows all reason. A person already sees himself as the owner of something very attractive. He turns out to be unable to resist his childishly impatient: “I want it now!” And then all kinds of toys begin to be bought: televisions with plasma screens, the latest model phones, cars of prestigious brands, mink coats and gold jewelry. Today, on credit, it is even offered to lie under a palm tree on an exotic island. And now the newly-made “addicts” joyfully acquire more and more new entertainments and benefits. At some point, it becomes obvious that it is impossible to pay off your debts. But even this can no longer stop the credit addict. He solves the current problem in his own way: to repay a loan to one bank, he takes out a loan from another. So, sooner or later, the problem gets worse. In severe cases, the consequences lead to deep depression, a feeling of hopelessness, and suicidal attempts. As they say, a disease is easier to prevent than to cure. What can be done to prevent credit addiction? First, decide on your life values. Moreover, precisely your own, and not those that are imposed by the consumer society and proclaimed from TV screens and sales pages of websites. Secondly, try to separate your true needs from the needs inspired by the same advertising. Thirdly, think about what you achieve by acquiring more and more things. Perhaps such acquisition is compensation for the lack of creative self-realization, close relationships with people, an interesting, eventful life. And if you really manage to get to know yourself better, hear the true needs of your body and your soul, then you have a chance to get what you want without all sorts of loans and other addiction tricks. Nadezhda Nosikova http://www.nvppl.ru/show_articles_202.htm