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Fear helps you survive, but prevents you from living. Of all the negative emotions, the most dangerous and harmful emotion is anxiety and fear. When a person lives in tension and anxiety, he cannot be happy, he is not happy with life in all its manifestations. There are different types of fear: this includes worry about the future, fear of illness, loneliness, failure in business, fear of the dark, closed space, large crowds of people. Why are we afraid? Our self-preservation instinct kicks in. Often we are afraid not of something specific, but of uncertainty, the unknown, inventing fears due to lack of information. We create fear in our thoughts, the body reacts to thoughts, and hence there are many psychosomatic diseases, the causes of which doctors cannot reveal. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of negative emotions of anxiety and fear, from negative thoughts and you will always have good health. 80% of people do not admit that they have fear. The fact is that people associate fear with something shameful, unworthy for a modern person. There is a belief that to be afraid means to be weak. If you think so, you are also afraid, afraid of being weak. It is easier for people to admit that they experience fears, doubts, anxiety and uncertainty than the presence of fear in their soul. I suggest freeing yourself from these negative emotions. It is important to recognize the subject of fear, its strength and the time frame of expected events. If you are afraid of what will happen in the summer, and now it is spring, then calm yourself down. Live according to the principle of “here and now”, today everything is fine, nothing bad happened, but why worry. Get ready to solve problems and worry about them as they arise. Train to think positively, see the positives in all situations, accept the folk wisdom that everything that is not done is for the better. We live by habits. If you are used to living in fear, you need to develop another habit of peace of mind. To do this, it is useful to develop self-confidence. If the habit of living in fear is chronic and it is difficult to get out of the state of anxiety on your own, you need to consult a psychologist. Often fears block our actions, and we do not take advantage of the opportunities that life has given us. We refuse profitable work out of fear that you might not be able to cope with your responsibilities. We may refuse to go on an interesting trip for fear of an accident on the road. We don’t swim and don’t enjoy the water because we are afraid of it. All these refusals prevent you from living fully and being happy. Any achievement requires desire and self-confidence. Therefore, the main thing is to want to get rid of fear, to believe that it is possible. Start developing a new habit of a balanced, strong person who knows that in any situation there are three ways out. Stop worrying, worrying, worrying - after all, this does not solve the problem, but complicates your life. Good luck in overcoming your fears. Psychologist N.M. Tsarevskaya