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The Wheel of Life Balance technique is often used in coaching at the initial stage of working with a client. By working with this technique with a person in a state of existential crisis, you can help him identify areas of development and steps to move towards his important life goals goals, to understand the search for new meanings. The eight sectors of the “Wheel of Balance” represent the so-called balance of key areas of human life. In this example (in the figure), the main areas have already been designated; as an option, you can independently name the areas of life that are significant to you. Assuming that the center, the axis of the wheel, is zero, and the perimeter, the rim, is ten, indicate your current level of satisfaction with each area. Mark your level of satisfaction on each scale. Connect each of the marked values ​​with a line. By doing this, you will create a new perimeter (rim) of the wheel of your own life. As an example, you might get a similar graph: Well, how comfortable are you to ride on such a wheel, does life seem too “bumpy” to you? Identify one or two areas in which you would like to make changes as soon as possible. Positive changes in which areas can affect others? To what extent would you like to improve this area of ​​your life (on a 10-point scale)? What actions are you going to take? What will be your first three specific actions? When and How will you do this? What support do you need for these actions to be completed? Working with a coach, you can balance the areas that are important to you, and the wheel of your life can gain momentum..