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Hello, my name is Vera. I remember my carefree student youth and communication with people like me, who flew out of their parents’ nest and were stunned by the joys of freedom and independence. It’s just a miracle how I managed to combine study and wild life between sessions. From the hostel it was a stone's throw to the night store and to the cap in Marinka, where at any time of the day or night you could buy beer and start or continue celebrating some event. I graduated from college and married such a cheerful student, who later turned out to be an alcoholic, and I, accordingly, became codependent. Those night caps and stores are not to blame. But often knowing that it was not far to escape, the continuation of the banquets lasted all night and the next day. And many, many days in the school year, since there were always many reasons for celebration. In 2011, a law was passed banning the sale of alcohol near schools and other social facilities. The night store turned into a flower shop, the cap closed. Another moved to the supermarket one stop further. The regional administration has introduced a ban on the sale of alcohol after 11 pm. But I still divorced my husband. But she managed to take a sip of grief and realized how terrible the problem of alcoholism is in general. In 2013, we held an action in the city of Vladimir, during which we found out what the residents of Vladimir think about this law, and at what distance, in their opinion, objects selling alcohol should be located from social facilities... Participants of the VOO "Nachalo" another answer option was introduced, which was not included in the law. Namely, a complete ban on the sale of alcohol within the city. Look at the short report on how it happened! And now the question of the sale of alcohol and socially significant objects is being raised again. To honestly look at the problem from the inside, the picture is sad. It’s clear that there is a crisis in the country, but I want it to be as before. I want to let the genie out of the bottle, and I don’t care what tragedy this will result in for the population. It is clear that for some people who like to walk a stop or two or buy an incredible amount of alcohol, the distance is not a problem, but as a person who has faced this problem, I know that the prohibitions are in effect. Now my son is growing up and going to school. And I didn’t want him to see batteries of poisonous swill behind the glass windows instead of today’s flower shop. And next to him there are regular customers on the steps - like the norm of life. It is clear that the ban is not a dogma. That this is just a grain of sand in the huge mass of alcoholic tragedy in our country. But it’s doubly sad that initiatives to get the population drunk come from legislators. And it doesn’t matter which of them was the first to wake up the sleeping bear. There is no smoke without fire. This is the opinion of one of our group members. I would like to know your opinion, dear readers and colleagues. PS I know that in many European cities it is very difficult to buy alcohol within the city limits. and if there is a desire to drink, then “future addicts” can buy alcohol outside the city. And most importantly, children do not see alcohol and this is a blessing. Another observation of mine: in the city of Vladimir, in specialized stores where they sell alcohol there is also a “children’s assortment”, plasticine, crayons, soccer balls... The ingenuity of the alcohol lobby must be given due credit, AT the level of imprinting on children the opinion is formed that alcohol is the same benefit for them as children's products. I would also like to recall the example of one rehabilitator. He, abruptly and incomprehensibly to those around him, began to follow the child to kindergarten. But in fact it turned out that along the way they opened a glass shop and his son, together with his father, witnessed cultural consumption. I express my gratitude to V.V. To Putin that in his New Year’s Eve greetings he did not have a glass of champagne, this at first imperceptible step is a big foundation for the education of the future generation.