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🌸If you are faced with the fact that you have to do something that you don’t like, you have at least three options: ✔️First, set a limit for yourself, saying this not mine, and thus it is possible to say goodbye to your dream.✔️Second: to live in conditions of internal conflict and increasing clinical symptoms, because internal conflict is the cause of neurosis. That is, this is a good basis for symptoms such as: bad mood, irritability, anxiety, psychosomatics, fatigue and apathy. And there is a third way, and a very interesting and extremely productive one: just love it! Which path to choose❓In general, situations are different. Of course, I’m not saying that you don’t like a man, but you should somehow try to love him. Or maybe you don’t like eating onions in soup. Yes, of course, onions contain many useful vitamins and microelements, but by removing the onion and replacing it with other healthy vegetables, you will not lose anything. It’s often the same with a man; forcing yourself to live, going to bed with an unloved man is violence. However, there are situations when a man seems to suit you in all respects: independent, caring, wealthy, kind, generous, smart, free, but you don’t love him, and for some reason a married man is drawn to a sadistic, year-old alcoholic - that’s how it is since it’s a reason to work with yourself, and seriously, I think this is obvious. There are also situations when you just have to not take it into your head, everyone says that you should go start a social network, it’s fashionable, modern, but you don’t want to, you have other things to do, well, your soul is not in your thoughts, well then just let it go, if not helps, if you feel different from everyone else without a fashionable hobby, a specialist will also help. I’ll tell you about the most interesting path. Here you have to remember your childhood. Where would we be without him ❓ As children, we are very afraid of everything new, if a crowd of strangers is introduced to a newborn baby immediately after arriving from the maternity hospital, even if they are already passionately loving grandparents, he will simply be hysterical from the large number of impressions. He needs a constant mother much more, he gets to know her gradually, and if she puts on lipstick or sprays on the wrong perfume, he may get scared and not latch on to the breast; due to severe fright, more serious disorders and developmental delays may occur. Again, children are all different, some have higher sensitivity, some lower. However, in any case, bright holidays with animators and noise in the first year of life are unnecessary. This is more fun for mom or dad, for their self-affirmation. So, it’s in our nature to be afraid of something new. It’s very important how this new thing comes into our lives. It is important who teaches us this and how, for example, a mother shouts at her child, go read a book, but she herself does not do it. Or he sees that she likes to do it herself and he also becomes curious. Have you ever watched a mother and baby on the playground? Sometimes a person approaches the mother, the baby first watches how the mother reacts to him, if the mother is wary, then the baby begins to cry, and if the mother is relaxed, she smiles kindly and If she opens her arms in an embrace, then the baby calmly continues to play. That is, he understands that there is no danger, you can continue to have fun and develop. That’s why we, as adults, sometimes experience discomfort when we have to start doing something, or we always didn’t like doing something. Let’s say we made a decision , that we should still master this new business or not entirely new, but necessary. For example, I need to clean the house, but I can’t hire a cleaner, and I can’t delegate this process to family members. Well, who else but me? This is an example when you have to fall in love, you won’t live in the dirt. Or I need to start playing sports, do exercises, start skiing, go to the pool, my brain has already clearly determined that without this I will not become happy and healthy, but my body resists, and even in my brain there are a lot of arguments that this is it's an unpleasant, thankless, nasty task, and it's better instead888