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There is one important secret that few people know, would you like me to tell you? You've probably encountered a situation where everything is bad for you and nothing is working out in life, literally at all. This is the crisis. That same terrible and terrible crisis. It can be financial, political, but the most painful is a personal crisis. Everything seemed to be fine, or at least tolerable, and suddenly, everything around you began to collapse. At work, in relationships, and my health has already begun to remind me that it needs care. In a word, it’s bad, or rather not the way you’re used to. What we are more accustomed to consider comfort and stability, but the trouble is that life itself does not consider it that way. And at such moments, trying to hold on to what made up your familiar world, you make attempts to preserve at least what remains. However, it doesn't work. Sadness... You rush to change what surrounds you, your job, your relationship partner. It seems to you that if you change this, then the state of comfort and stability will return and will not go away. But, as a rule, all your attempts to change what is around you end in failure. And you literally begin to drown in crisis. All your thoughts are only about how bad everything is and how unhappy you are. And now about the secret. Try to look at this situation from the other side. What if this is all happening to you, for your own good. And in fact, this is not a failure, but a transition to a new level. Where you can see new opportunities. Of course, it is difficult to change your view of the current situation. Moreover, there is the pain of losing what you have lost. This is real pain, which is not easy to get rid of, and as long as you cling to the old and familiar, it (the pain) will only grow. And here honesty with yourself, your individuality and understanding of your uniqueness are very important. After all, most often, we find ourselves in such a situation (crisis) when we begin to lie to ourselves, to go not towards our goals, but to fulfill someone else’s plan. And it doesn’t matter who wrote it: your parents, the media, the Internet, or all together. When you start using this point of view, it becomes easier for you. There comes an understanding that you have a unique opportunity to live your life and strive for your values, achieving those goals that are really important to you. Practicing psychologist Anton Chernykh. I invite you to therapeutic sessions to solve problems that are important to you. It doesn't hurt) Record via WhatsApp/Telegram message 89205430457