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I often hear from clients, colleagues and friends phrases like “there are not enough resources”, “this is resourceful” or “this is not resourceful”. Only lazy people don't write about resources. Moreover, laziness is often explained as a lack of resource. And it seems as if everyone around understands what resources they are talking about, but the concept of “resource” remains vague and poorly defined, magical, in the sense that it is inexplicable. Therefore, it is important for me to indicate what I myself mean in this word. Wikipedia clearly states: “A resource is a quantitative measure of the possibility of performing an activity; conditions that allow, with the help of certain transformations, to obtain the desired result.” They neglected the quantitative measure, although, of course, with a certain level of awareness a person can assess with some degree of accuracy how much resource he has and whether it will be enough for a certain task, but the quantity itself is not as important here as the conditions that allow organizing activities according to satisfying one or another of your needs or even a whole pack of needs. At the same time, I interpret the needs extremely broadly, including in them: - the basic needs of the body for building materials for the body and construction conditions, including excretions, and their derivatives; - and the basic needs of the individual, including procreation, incl. sexual and parental and derivatives thereof; — and the needs of a natural subject, including the regulation of relationships with representatives of one’s own and another species, various states, actions and processes necessary for them; - and the needs of a social subject with a subtle and not very spiritual organization for respect, acceptance, sovereignty, development, etc. Sometimes, to satisfy a need, resources external to a person are necessary. For example, to satisfy hunger, you need food, or money to buy it, or a person who will get it (either money or food). That is, these are different objects in the world around a person, all kinds of creatures and relationships with them. But the objects themselves, etc., are not enough; it is important to be able to use them - internal resources. For example, in order to get food in the store, you need to be able to select it, prepare it accordingly, chew it, it is important that the stomach and intestines work well, and even before all this, a system for detecting and identifying needs is important, which allows me to understand that I am hungry and start try all sorts of conventionally edible ways to cope with this need. If I delegate the process, then I will need to explain to the person who goes to the store what to buy to eat and/or how to cook. And somehow motivate him to participate in this dubious enterprise. Internal resources include abilities, knowledge, skills, abilities, character traits and characteristics that are normally not alienable to a person if they already exist, but which may not yet be developed or the satisfaction of other needs may suppress access to them. Thus, the need for self-esteem as a member of the vegan community can suppress the mechanism for detecting and recognizing the need for meat, although the lack of desire for meat does not always indicate its suppression. In order for needs to be met and problems to be solved, the presence of both internal and external resources is important. So, it would seem that a seed has everything for a new plant to be born, but development also requires light, a certain temperature and humidity. But no amount of light, temperature or humidity will help if something in the seed is rotten and damaged and some of the internal resources are missing. In essence, external and internal resources work on the principle of mutual feedback: one supports the other. If one thing sags, the result is not achievable or is achievable with great losses. It also happens that external resources are depleted, and contact with internal ones is lost faster than a person has time to replenish and restore them. All this can be survived if you start to notice how it happens and carefully change it. If you liked the article, please share it with those who ;)