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In childhood, up to 7-14 years old, before puberty, children bear the karma* of their parents and their unresolved problems. Until this time, the little man had not yet made his mistakes in THIS life. It just so happens that we are born into this world, into this family, in order to solve something that is extremely difficult for us to solve, but also extremely necessary. Family karma* intersects with our personal one and declares its rights just at the age of puberty. During this period, all the forces that we will face in the following years begin to intensify. How faithful and wise the parental direction in life was given, how much it correlates with the real situation inside and outside the person, how successfully or unsuccessfully we shape our lives , their relationship with themselves and the world. If internal priorities, values, general life direction diverge from the basic laws, principles of integrity and harmony of Being, then a person begins to experience an internal split, and then an external split. It can be expressed in unconnected polarities of character, problems in relationships, negative mental states, dead-end situations in life, making the same mistakes, etc. etc.. In order to come to internal integrity and a state of happiness, you need to: 1) pay attention to the fact that something is wrong; 2) become interested and want to solve it; 3) understand the problem; 4) find an adequate way to solve it. The 3rd and 4th points are the most difficult, because the problem can be very large and it can be difficult to see it in general, put all the puzzles together and find a solution. Sometimes at these stages you need the help of another person who has already walked this path and can suggest what is not visible from within the problem. Working with the Shadow, the dark force inside, is working with the unconscious parts of a person, which is not about fighting them, but about studying, accepting, living, understanding them and choosing “HOW TO BE?”. In my experience, any distortion has three main points: PAIN, FEAR, LIES. Moreover, you need to start unraveling the ball in the reverse order: first see the LIE, then FEAR, and then the core is PAIN. PAIN is the loss of unity with the common. Unity with yourself and, as a result, with the world. Solution: living. FEAR is ignorance of oneself and the world. Solution: understanding. LIE - distortion of truth (truth). Solution: choosing the right direction. In the elaboration and connection of all parts of oneself, the entire three-part structure of a person is connected and changes: body, soul and spirit. Matter (body) can change; feelings and emotions change to more harmonious ones; strength, resilience and other properties of the spirit change. And these are not all the changes. Changes, in the opinion of a person who has not gone through this Path, at first seem magical and wonderful, in the category of “it doesn’t happen like that.” But having passed the Path, we can say that all this was done with your hands.----------- * KARMA (in Sanskrit - deed, action, fruit of action), the total sum of actions performed by every living being and their consequences that determine the nature of its present and subsequent existence. The word KARMA* can be replaced with the word DESTINY, the meaning will be approximately the same. (M.Z.)