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From the author: Clarification of the genre: ecopsychology of the family, home workshop of Prophetic Tales and Fairy Tale Things. Published - There are only three days left until the New Year, and Snezhana is in no New Year’s mood at all. Well, not a bit at all. Dad is fishing in the northern seas, and will spend the New Year on a boat, grandmother went to her mother, her old grandmother, because she was completely ill, and mother became a star... Everyone says so, so as not to injure Snezhana, but they themselves are crying, everyone, even grandfather, only furtively from her. But Snezhana still knows that her mother is no longer there, after that accident. And on New Year's Day she was left alone with her grandfather. Of course, her grandfather is very cool, one might say, the best grandfather in the world, but he doesn’t understand a lot. For example, he doesn’t understand her favorite cartoons at all, he has no time to watch, and if he has even a little free time, he watches the news on TV and says that this is very important. Of course, there are very important guys on TV, but in Snezhana’s opinion they are completely uninteresting. Now, if they had shown Puss in Boots on the news, she would have watched it too. But anyway, the grandfather is good and promised to go to the Christmas tree with her. He said that grandma left her some kind of surprise for the New Year, and she would need it on the Christmas tree. I wonder what surprise this is? Of course, the best thing she wants is a Snow Maiden costume. She has long dreamed of becoming the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus's assistant. Grandfather could become Father Frost. He should succeed, he is very diligent and responsible. In the meantime, I don’t want to do anything, if only to play Snow Maiden... - Grandfather, can I turn on the computer? - Snezhana, you’ve already played a lot today. - Well, grandfather, more a little bit... Grandfather thought and said: - Half an hour, and then we take grandma’s surprise and go to the Christmas tree in the park. If you want, we’ll take a sled and go down the hill.” Well, okay, grandfather, I agree. And grandfather went into the kitchen to watch the news, and Snezhana sat down in front of the computer, put her mother’s bell next to her and pressed the button. Snezhana’s mother gave the bell, then she said that if you ring it, friends will come, and all sorts of evil spirits will get scared and run away to dark corners. In the search bar, Snezhana typed “snow maiden”, then added “play online”, and pressed “enter” " It turned out that Snegurachka turned into Snegurochka, and there are different games about her. Snezhana looked at how to dress the Snow Maiden, then played Snow Maiden as a super agent, where a short-haired Snow Maiden in a mask was shooting from a pistol. Soon she got tired of it, and then her grandfather came up. He was already dressed in a blue fur coat with white trim, the same hat, a large white beard almost hid his grandfather’s face, only his blue eyes were exactly his. - Well, granddaughter Snegurka, are you ready for the Christmas tree? - No, grandfather! I’ve just started playing! - And here I was left without my magic staff, who would help me find it? Snezhana quickly looked back at her grandfather and asked: - Why do you need the staff and where did it go? The grandfather scratched his face under his hot beard and looked thoughtfully said: - Well, granddaughter, there’s a whole story... - Tell me, grandfather, tell it! - Okay, I’ll just take off my beard, - at the same time the grandfather took off his hat and fur coat. - Sit here, - and Snezhana moved the stool closer to the computer and herself The grandfather sat down and spoke: “In ancient times there were two of us, me and my twin brother.” But there was only one magic staff, and it went to me. My brother was angry and jealous of me because the staff helped me perform miracles on New Year’s Eve and fulfill any desires. He plotted various intrigues to take possession of the staff and perform evil miracles, to become the most important wizard in the world, but so far he had not succeeded. But now the staff is missing, and I know that this is the work of the evil Santa, my doppelgänger brother. Today a swarm of snowflakes flew in with the north wind, they whispered to me that the evil Santa wants to win over the Black Dragon, the owner of the coming year, and with the help of his staff to quarrel all people among themselves. This is very easy to do, just turn the staff over, hit the top of it on the ground and wish that everythingquarreled. And I always wished that everyone would forgive each other and make peace, and, therefore, enjoy the holiday together. Evil Santa wants to turn everything upside down. And, if he enlists the support of the Black Dragon, he may achieve his goal. And then there will be trouble - it is very easy to defeat quarreling people one by one. - Grandfather, I know what to do! I will help you find the magic staff and take it away from the villain! - How do you have enough strength for this, Snow Maiden? - And I will call all my friends! Look, grandfather, you see, here the Snow Maiden is rolling on a snow globe! And Snezhana opened the next game - “The Snow Maiden on a Ball.” - Ten minutes! - Grandfather said sternly. The Snow Maiden was rolling on a snow globe, it became bigger and bigger, and then she fell head over heels from it and buried her head in the snow. When she got out from under the snow and shook herself off, she had her mother’s bell in her hand, and Santa Claus stood nearby. The Snow Maiden rang the bell and shouted loudly: “All my friends, come quickly to the rescue, it’s time to save the New Year from the evil Santa!” Spider-Man was the first to arrive on his web. He landed deftly and reported: “I’m ready, Snow Maiden.” Who to save and from whom? - So you don’t know anything, Peter Parker? - No, I just came from Anti-Earth. However, I heard that the Supreme Intelligence and its beasts entered into an alliance with some wizard, it seems, the evil Santa. The green Goblin also joined them. “So, evil Santa has already found allies...,” the Snow Maiden was upset. “Yes, but I’m on your side, tell me what to do?” “Spider-Man, I ask you to stand at the head of the army of Santa Claus, because you have already saved the Earth and the Anti-Earth with your comrades! - Yes, I agree, and I’m calling my comrades. Spider-Man soared on his web and disappeared from view. Soon he returned with Black Cat, Iron Man, Captain America, Storm and Superman himself! The Snow Maiden rang her bell and, like snow, out of nowhere, more and more guests poured in to them. Here are the glorious mutant ninja turtles, led by Master Splinter, along with friendly people, Casey and April. Raphael in a red mask jumped forward and saluted the Snow Maiden: “Our beautiful mistress! We are ready to save the world again and again! Where is our enemy?” But this is precisely what the Snow Maiden did not know. Where's the evil Santa? He did not appear and did not give any indication of where he and the magic staff were. No one has seen the Black Dragon anywhere either. - What should we do, grandfather? – she turned to Santa Claus. “We need to think about it, granddaughter.” Your friends are brave and ready to fight, but other abilities are needed. We need a wonderful mirror in which we can see what is far away. And the last time I saw such a mirror was at Drosselmeyer’s, a toy maker. - I remembered! It was he who made the wonderful Nutcracker, who defeated an entire army of mice! - Yes, yes, it was he. - Then I call them, and I also need the Nutcracker’s friend - Marie. And the Snow Maiden rang the bell and said loudly with excitement in her voice: - Oh, Master Drosselmeyer, Nutcracker and Marie, come to our aid, save the New Year from the evil Santa! A couple of minutes passed and, out of nowhere, a small, thin man in a powdered wig with a braid and a black bow, patent leather shoes and an elegant red camisole. Next to him stood the Nutcracker, a wooden doll with strong white teeth and a wooden scythe for cracking nuts. Behind the Nutcracker stood Marie in a beautiful ball gown and a warm fur coat thrown over it. Master Drosselmeyer held a small round mirror in his hands. The Nutcracker clicked his heels, Marie curtsied, the master bowed ceremoniously and said: “My friends, I heard that you need a mirror for distant vision.” A long time ago, I did this in order to monitor the fate of my dear nephew and goddaughter, so that at the right time I could come to their aid. And now we will use it to find out where our enemy is. Before he could get comfortable with the mirror, new guests appeared. These were the Winx, brave fairy friends, they stood shoulder to shoulder, their specialist friends towered behind them, and evenlittle alien sisters also came to the rescue. - How glad I am to see you, dear Winx! – exclaimed the Snow Maiden. “We are always ready to work on the side of good, because we also want a happy New Year!” – Bloom answered for everyone, and Flora, Stella and Muse nodded energetically. “Girlfriends, there were six of you before, but today there are seven.” Who is this beautiful girl? – Snow Maiden asked, looking at the unfamiliar Winx, very beautiful and slightly arrogant. “Her name is Lilin, she is our new friend, we freed her from the captivity of the Ice Witch, where she languished for a long time and was in her service.” Now Lilin is fighting with us shoulder to shoulder, she is a true comrade! - Hello, Lilin! “I’m glad to see you with your Winx friends,” Snow Maiden said and extended her hand to Lilin. Lilin narrowed her eyes slightly, as if looking at Snow Maiden, and also offered her hand. Meanwhile, Master Drosselmeyer has already found the evil Santa with his wonderful mirror. His friends gathered around him and also looked in the mirror. Evil Santa looked like Father Frost, only his fur coat and red hat were trimmed with black fur. He held the staff in his hands, looked at it and stroked it joyfully. Near him was a large Black Dragon with folded wings, he was dozing. And near Santa there were various creatures of a very unpleasant appearance. Spider-Man exclaimed: - Who do I see! These are all my old familiar villains, whom I had to fight for many years in a row. Here is the Green Goblin, and here is the Supreme Intelligence from the Anti-Earth and the beasts: Sir Ram, Sir Tiger and Lady Viper. And Rhino and Brainy. Well, we'll have to work hard to defeat them again! How are you, my friends, ready? Captain America, Iron Man, Superman, Storm and Black Cat stood silently next to each other. They looked most determined. New characters continued to appear in the mirror. Now the ninja turtles jumped up, recognizing their enemies, the foot ninjas led by Shredder, and the purple dragons. There was a whole crowd of them, but Raph, Leo, Don and Mike looked cheerful, because they were only happy to once again show their enemies who was stronger. Villains of all shapes and stripes continued to flash in the mirror. These are absolutely incredible monsters of different colors and monstrous sizes. - Who knows what kind of army this is? – the Snow Maiden was alarmed. “I know them,” answered Lilin. You see, there's an old witch hiding in the corner. This is my former owner, the Ice Witch, and it is with her that everyone has gathered now. And these monsters were her frequent guests, together they carried out evil deeds. They are from another planet, led by Vilgox himself, and only Ben Tennyson with his alien device Omnitrix, which contains the essences of ten superheroes from different natural elements, can defeat them. We will need to invite Ben Ten, his cousin Gwen and grandfather Max, who was with them everywhere, in all the battles with aliens. “You’re right, Lilin,” Spider-Man picked up. And we also need to call Dan Kuzo and his friends with the Bakugan, extraordinary creatures from another planet, they master the art of combat, using the powers of all the elements of nature. Drago, the red dragon, became especially famous in battles; it was he who must fight for the Black Dragon and convince him to side with people, not monsters. The Snow Maiden rang the bell, calling Ben Ten and Dan Kuzo with their comrades, and soon Father Frost’s army doubled. Dan arrived with Drago, the red dragon, Shun with Skyros, Marucho with Price! Ben Ten appeared with his sister and grandfather, and immediately began to twirl his wrist bracelet with a dial - the legendary Omnitrix. Superheroes appeared in front of the amazed friends one after another - Flame Strongman, Core, Humanoid, Winged, Vine and Super-Big himself. The army continued to arrive. The talking dog Scooby Doo with his friend Shaggy and baby Scrappy Doo, Coop and Millie, Peter Pan and Wendy with their brothers and, finally, the rescue kids: Chip and Dale, Gadget and Roquefort, and with them the barely noticeable Zipper. And after a while the sound of castanets was heard, and in the rhythm of the Spanish dance a couple appeared: Puss in Boots and Kitty Softpaw inaccompanied by Humpty Alexander Boltai. The rhythm and pattern of the dance were so fiery that the entire army began to involuntarily dance and clap their hands. The cat and Kisa finished the dance and bowed to those present. What can I say - they were very happy. The mirror immediately reflected new additions to the enemy army: thirteen ghosts of Scooby Doo, one more terrible than the other, a whole army of mice led by the Mouse King, the alien Mr. Cat, Captain Hook with an iron hook instead of a hand and a very angry face and the insidious cat Tolstopuz with his assistants. The forces were approximately equal, the battle was going to be serious, and this is where the organizational skills of Peter Parker showed themselves: - My friends, if we want to win without unnecessary losses and rescue the magic staff in time, we first need to carry out reconnaissance and find out the plans of the evil Santa. The wonderful mirror showed us our enemies, but did not give us the opportunity to hear them. Who is ready to become a scout? Then the Winx and all the ninja turtles jumped forward, and no one noticed the buzzing baby Zipper. Chip spoke for Zipper: - My friends, Zipper is an ideal candidate to carry out reconnaissance. He is so tiny that no one will simply notice him. We undertake to deliver him closer to the theater of operations by our plane. We just need to be protected in the air from possible danger. “We will do so, and there is no need to hesitate, we are all performing together.” The infantry will follow the reconnaissance - the Ninja Turtles, Dan Kuzo with the Bakugan, Ben Ten with the Omnitrix, Coop, the Winx friends, the Nutcracker, the Thunderstorm and the Black Cat, Puss in Boots with Kitty Softpaws and Humpty. At the head of the infantry are Father Frost and Grandfather Max. Master Drosselmeyer with his wonderful mirror is with them. Behind them is aviation under my command: rescuers, Superman, Iron Man, Peter Pan with his brothers, Scooby Doo and Shaggy in his plane. In the rearguard there is a medical convoy: Snegurochka, Marie, Wendy and Millie. They will provide assistance to the wounded. The person in charge is Snegurochka. There were no objections, and the army stepped forward. Master Drosselmeyer held a mirror in front of him and reported on the enemy’s movements. There, too, they did not sleep and, apparently, boasted of their strength. It was seen how the evil Santa woke up the Black Dragon and tried to talk to him about something. What are we talking about? The plane with the rescuers and Zipper was flying ahead of everyone else by a wide margin. At a distance, so as not to attract attention to the plane, Superman and Peter Pan, Scooby's plane and Shaggy were flying. Spider-Man remained below to communicate with the heavenly flotilla. The domain of the Ice Witch was not far from the abode of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. After all, they are all from the North. Every minute was expensive, the New Year was approaching at a speed of sixty minutes per hour, and not a little slower. The girls from the ambulance train were the most worried: Snegurochka, Wendy, Marie and Millie. Millie was worried about Mr. Cat, who was on the opposing side, and she was so attached to him. Several years ago, he appeared in their house under the guise of an ordinary cat, only with a long and thin rat tail. Millie Coop's brother immediately disliked Mr. Cat, and it soon became clear that this was not a cat, but a real alien. But Millie had already fallen in love with him and forgave him all his intrigues and mischief. The Snow Maiden tried to persuade Millie not to worry so much, because the only thing that needs to be done is to take possession of Santa Claus’s staff and free the Black Dragon. Therefore, no one will harm Mr. Cat much. Wendy confirmed the words of the Snow Maiden and gave her word that if Mr. Cat was wounded, she would bandage his wounds with her own hands. Meanwhile, Master Drosselmeyer noticed in his mirror signs of trouble in the evil Santa's camp. They pointed to the sky; it looked like the rescue plane had been spotted. The Green Goblin soared into the sky on his skateboard, a couple of alien monsters flew out behind him. It was time to release Zipper and rescue the rescuers. Spider-Man threw forward his hand with the spider cartridge and shot a web towards the rescue plane. He definitely hit the plane and immediately took off into the air, a few moments later finding himselfon board. Little Zipper was immediately released, unnoticed by anyone, and Chip and Dale's plane became the target of an attack by the Green Goblin and air monsters. The goblin dived straight into the small airborne aircraft. And then Superman flashed like lightning, he knocked down the Goblin, who fell head over heels to the ground along with his skateboard. The air monster was attacked by Spider-Man on his web, spun him into a cocoon in the air, and the villain flew down like a stone. The second monster was shot down by Iron Man. The rescue plane was turning around, leaving the airspace of the battle, but then, out of nowhere, Mr. Cat jumped out, twisted his long tail with a screw, as if on a spring, jumped on it and, oh, horror, took off straight to the rescue plane. He caught on the wing and began to try to get inside. But then the infantry arrived and Puss in Boots, Kitty Softpaw and Humpty Alexander Dumpty jumped forward. The cat quickly dug a hole in the ground, Humpty threw one of the magic beans into it, from which a green sprout immediately sprouted, and Kisa reminded Humpty that he needed to tell the sprout so that it would grow faster. “Hello, sprout!” - Humpty blurted out, and his friends barely had time to grab hold of the bean sprout that quickly soared into the air and became a giant bean sprout in a couple of seconds. In the blink of an eye, the sprout reached the rescue plane and Puss in Boots, with a graceful movement of his sword, pricked Mr. Cat under the armpit. He couldn't stand the tickling and fell down. Millie and Wendy rushed to Mr. Cat and carried him to their ambulance. He was bruised but not wounded, and Millie laid him on a soft bed. Meanwhile, Marie and the Snow Maiden picked up the Green Goblin and the air monsters, who were pretty stunned, and also provided them with first aid. It had been a long time since they had to lie in soft, clean beds, and they were in no hurry to get out of there. The rescue plane began to land, and so did its escort. Meanwhile, Zipper returned, extremely excited. He was in such a hurry to tell everything that he buzzed even faster and more incomprehensibly than usual. It was clear that the baby needed to be cooled down slightly, and the Snow Maiden put him on her mitten. Then Zipper calmed down and began buzzing to the mouse Gadget about what he managed to find out. And he overheard terrible things. Evil Santa persuaded the Black Dragon to become not just water, but also fire-breathing, spewing underwater fire, shaking the bowels and melting glaciers on the polar caps with its heat. “Then,” said the evil Santa, the little people will dance, and those who don’t know how to swim will drown, and we will have fun. And the staff of Santa Claus will fulfill my wish that all people quarrel among themselves on New Year's Eve, remember all the grievances, even the oldest ones, and forget all the kindness and goodness that they once received from each other. And we will take Santa Claus and Snow Maiden prisoner. But the worst thing for the little people will be from their fairy-tale favorites, without whom their children don’t even want to fall asleep - without all these Cheburashkas, bunnies, bears and Luntiks, Winnie the Pooh-Piglets, Sponge Bob and Patrick, Krosh and the Hedgehog. I will turn all these kind and sweet ones into the most terrible monsters that will lie in wait for little ones under their beds and on shelves and in toy boxes. And then it will be the end of all the children.” Poor Zipper even burst into tears in a thin voice when he told it. Gadget loudly repeated what he said and could hardly restrain herself from tears. Everyone became very scared. But Santa Claus said: “My friends, this is why we have gathered, to unite all our abilities and defeat our enemy.” Everyone there is very strong, but they are too fond of boasting about their personal strength. And this is their weakness. We will now weigh all our options and act coherently and decisively. I listen to your proposals. Peter Parker stepped forward. “I propose a simultaneous offensive of infantry and aviation, the air defense (air defense) troops will be formed by the Cat and Humpty. The infantry's task is to get through to Santa and the Dragon. The central figure in the confrontation with the Dragon should be Dan Kuzo and the Bakugan Drago, the Red Dragon. Only Drago can defeat and convince his Black brother not to destroy people and curb his water element. Marucho withPraysom will help him with the wisdom of the elements of Akvos. Capturing Santa Claus' staff is the task of Ben Ten and his superheroes. But little Zipper will play the main role. Only he can fly up to Santa unnoticed and... Then Peter Parker whispered something very quietly to Zipper himself, so that no one heard anything. And out loud he told everyone: “I had to keep something secret from everyone for now. Because there may be enemy ears among us, but believe me, our idea should work.” Spider-Man enjoyed well-deserved respect, no one doubted his sincerity, the plan was generally clear. And the army quickly went on the offensive. They collided on the border of the possessions of Santa Claus and the Ice Witch. It was clear that now the evil Santa should have time to use his magic staff. They had a few minutes left until the double brother of Santa Claus would pronounce the necessary magic words. The superheroes, with a hurricane of all their elements, broke through the corridor exactly to the center of the enemy camp, scattering the enemies. The super-large one from Ben Ten's Omnitrix collided with Vilgox himself, Spider-Man with Black Cat and Superman attacked the Supreme Intelligence and the Beasts, the Ninja Turtles fought with Shredder, the Foot Ninjas and the Purple Dragons, Peter Pan fought with Captain Hook, the Nutcracker deftly fenced, dispersing the army of mice and making his way to the Mouse King. The Winx fairies fought shoulder to shoulder. Lilin and Bloom rushed towards the Ice Witch herself. The flying monsters were attacked by rescuers. Scooby Doo released a huge ghost trap net from the plane and flew in circles over the enemy army. The trap, like a vacuum cleaner, sucked in one ghost after another until they were all captured. Master Drosselmeyer held a wonderful mirror in front of him so that the monsters could meet their gaze with their reflection. Seeing him, they rushed away from the battlefield in horror. As you know, evil spirits cannot stand the sight of their own reflection. Already in the very center of the battle, Dan Kuzo released Bakugan Drago, and Marucho - Price. The Bakugan opened up like fairy-tale flowers, red and blue, Dan and Marucho shouted in one voice: “Bakugan, go to battle! Bakugan, on the field! Drago and Price in the next moment grew to a fantastic size, gaining super strength. The Black Dragon did not expect this and moved back, even the evil Santa was taken aback and for a moment forgot the spell. But he immediately came to his senses and began to shout out a spell for the magic staff. And suddenly he began to gasp for air and sneezed deafeningly, while his hand in which he was holding the staff trembled. Ben Ten instantly transformed into the superhero Vine, his escape hand instantly shooting towards the staff and grabbing it. Immediately the staff was in the hands of Santa Claus, and he, without hesitation, uttered the magic words: “Let our circle be wider.” You are my friend and I am your friend. Together we will overcome obstacles, What else do you need from life? In general, the Christmas tree, burn!” And Santa Claus hit the ground with his staff once, twice, three times. Out of nowhere, the beautiful Christmas tree flashed with a garland of lights, and a round dance of festively dressed people began to spin around it. All our superheroes and their former enemies danced right there, the holiday reconciled everyone. Drago and Price with the Black Dragon were peacefully talking about something on the sidelines. I would like to think that Drago managed to convince the owner of the coming year of the best choice for people, and perhaps the staff of Santa Claus has already done this. Spider-Man with the Green Goblin, Superman and Iron Man, a couple of crazy air monsters and Skyros, two planes: rescuers and Scooby - staged a real air show in the festive sky. At a distance, Puss in Boots with Humpty and Pussy Softpaw had a competition with Mr. Cat to see who could fly higher and faster into the sky: they on bean sprouts or he on his rat tail. You know, it never happened once in a while. Oh yes, you’re probably wondering what role did little Zipper play in the ending of this story? He played, of course. It flew into the nostril of the evil Santa and began to tickle him from the inside. The villain did not expect this and could not stand it. Just remember, if a midge gets into your nose or eye, you’d give everything in the world just to get rid of it..