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From the author: Information and entertainment newspaper RVS Dinskaya Self-doubt is a problem that many people suffer from. As a rule, it has its roots in childhood and is instilled by parents who constantly evaluate their child, telling him phrases like: “Again you couldn’t do it”, “And where did your hands come from”, “You are just like your father” says the mother who constantly criticizes her husband, etc. Gradually, the child develops the feeling that he can’t do anything, he won’t succeed, and the child begins to criticize himself, he begins to have doubts. Since the world is a reflection of our thoughts, such children are subsequently criticized by teachers and peers, and every day the child’s self-doubt and his actions grow, he begins to doubt whether he did the right thing or not. The easiest way to develop self-confidence is to make a list of your positive qualities (I cook well, I am a great mom or a great dad, a good specialist, etc.), hang it on the refrigerator so that it is visible before your eyes and start praising yourself every day looking straight into your own eyes in the mirror. Every evening, find something for which you can praise yourself today, for any little thing and praise it. You need to raise yourself in your own eyes. Also write down what you don't like about yourself, accept that side or trait of yourself and think about what you can do to change it. It is necessary to accept yourself as anyone or anyone, with all the positive and negative sides. It is impossible to be perfect or perfect. The world is dual. Both in the world and in any person there is both good and bad. Uncertainty also arises from past experiences. If the experience was unsuccessful, then the person loses faith in himself and his abilities. In order to overcome uncertainty, try to imagine everything that did not work out in your life simply as an experience that you needed to gain in order to learn something. A child, when he learns to walk, falls, but he gets up and tries again and again. He is not embarrassed by failures, he gets up and tries. When parents encourage him, saying that “You will succeed,” then positive results appear much faster than for those children who are not praised. Now you have already grown up and now you yourself must perform the function of encouragement for yourself. There is such a concept as “Inner Parent”. When a child is small, he expects evaluation and praise from his parents, and as he grows up, either an “Inner Critic” appears inside him, or someone who praises him, depending on what kind of parents he had. If you have been criticized, you need to exchange the critic for someone who will encourage and praise. In order to gain confidence, you need faith. Faith that everything will work out, everything will happen the way you want. If you notice that any thought is material and everything we ask (no matter whether it is positive or negative) is embodied in the material world, then it is necessary to create a positive image. It could be anything: good relationships in a team, a well-read report, a promotion, etc. They will always give you everything you ask for. The main thing is to ask sincerely and believe that it will happen. So another way you can be confident or confident is to have a clearly formed image of where you want to be confident. Make a collage in the area of ​​your life where you need confidence (work, relationships, study, creativity, etc.). And rest assured that your confidence will grow!!!