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Our life is full of various events, they can be joyful and not so joyful. Life goes on, and behind it is a series of successes, luck, but sometimes difficulties. The skill of experiencing difficulties is very useful, but often a person cannot find “resources” or knowledge on how to survive these difficulties. At this moment, a person needs to contact a specialist so that he can help cope with the situation that has arisen. But in what situations should you seek help? “A hopeless situation” These are those moments when it seems that there is no way out. At such moments, it can be very difficult for us to distance ourselves and look at the situation from the outside; some people lack experience, while others are simply overwhelmed with emotions and feelings. A psychologist in this case can be a guide, helping to expand the vision of the situation, and behind it the opportunities for change, and also serve as a “resource”, providing support and support. “Codependency” This word means strong emotional and spiritual dependence from a partner, this is mainly due to a break in the relationship; at such moments a person feels helpless and cannot, it would seem, exist without “that same” person. It is also important to note that there may be other addictions: computer addiction, food addictions (overeating , starvation), dependence on work, on religion. In these cases, a psychologist will help to understand the cause of addiction and, together with the client, find ways to resolve it. “Psychosomatics” Headaches, itching of unknown origin, abdominal pain, rapid heartbeat - all these are symptoms of diseases, and perhaps your body is giving a signal in this way that he is emotionally overloaded and it’s time to turn to a specialist. “Understanding the inner self” In other words, this is an understanding of desires, needs, shortcomings, etc. If you are not happy with something about yourself, it is important to understand what it is and why it is happening. A psychologist will help you explore these questions and find the answer. “Relationships” This word means establish connections with people, be it a loved one, children, colleagues, relatives, or your environment. If you want to improve relationships, understand who you are in this relationship, why you are in it, why conflict arises, then a psychologist will help you understand your role there and find possible options for behavior in various situations. “Crises” As we used to say, these are difficult, turning points, for example: a crisis of adolescence, a midlife crisis, when mood changes, behavior that interferes with full and happy communication with family, you want to distance yourself. In this case, a psychologist will help you figure it out and return to normal life. You can talk about the options for “going to a psychologist” for a long time; if you summarize the above, you can see that people go to a psychologist for changes. If you are ready to change, then your task is to find your psychologist. I am ready to help you take a step towards change. I wish you mental health!