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Many perceive the second half of life very pessimistically. She seems hopeless, empty and poor in positive aspects. I can convince you otherwise! After 45 years, life really transforms. Physical strength becomes noticeably less, you no longer want to dance and have fun all night long. Does this mean that joy is over? Of course not! When I discuss the topic of age with someone, especially mature ones, I often notice an interesting trend. People go to one extreme and then to the other. They see the second half of life as either overly active and driven, or completely lifeless and passive. However, each of us is individual, which means that we will manifest ourselves differently. Why cling to established stereotypes, which once again force you to evaluate your life from a very critical point of view?! I see the second half of my life as more conscious and comfortable. In the first half, a person gets to know the world around him, himself (if he had time, by the way), and in the second half he arranges everything in such a way as to get a buzz from life. The most important choices have been made, the first half of life has been summed up, it’s time to do what you like. I quite rarely meet people with this position. But those few who treat their lives this way are definitely happy. They cannot be called people for whom all the best has already happened. They are full of energy, inner potential and ready to conquer new horizons. And, believe it or not, these horizons are much easier for them than in their youth! Why do many people think that life after 45 is old age? Because we are surrounded by stereotypes and patterns of perception that have spread to absolutely all areas of life, including age. It is believed that if a person retires, nothing interesting will happen in his life. But what should those people do who, even during the period of active professional activity, did not experience any vivid impressions?! It turns out that their lives are generally poor in everything beautiful? I categorically do not recommend that you hold on to stereotypes. They only give the illusion of security, destroying you as a person. You and only you decide what your life will be like at 20, 30, 40, 50 years old. In an individual consultation, I will help you take responsibility for your life! Sincerely, Your psychotherapist, Ilya Akhmedov.