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. The topic of spiritual development has probably been one of the most fashionable over the last ten years. Who goes where: who joined the Hare Krishnas, who joined the sect, who settled in the church, fortunately, the choice today is as wide as possible. Why do people want to develop spiritually? Everyone, of course, has their own goals, but one of the most common is the desire to live well, calmly and receive “dividends” from their spirituality. That is, there is a certain confidence that if I become “correct,” then blissful stability will come in my life, I will have nothing to do except collect shells on the ocean shore in Goa. Well, not shells in Goa, but I just generally want to live without problems. And so a person who has embarked on the spiritual path of development tries hard, fills his head with information, reads books by gurus, attends seminars, etc. And he is not just a theorist, but also practices his knowledge, and for some reason life does not get better, but on the contrary, more and more problems arise that are worth solving. And why such development? - a person will think, and will also remember the phrase that, they say, knowledge brings great sadness, and life is easier for fools. And the spiritual search usually ends in disappointment and a rollback back to the old life. But seriously, people in reality are poorly aware of one point. Any development always involves the complication of developing tasks. What am I talking about? To understand what I have said, it is enough to look at the education system. Preschool children are given only the material for development that they are capable of. First-graders solve problems of a different type. In the tenth grade of school, the level of difficulty is different than in the first grade, and is different from the university or graduate school program. Everyone is given a shoulder, and if your shoulders are stronger than steel, then they can carry more. Spiritual development means that you practice high-quality solutions to life’s problems, regardless of their complexity. The more you know, the more difficult problems you are given to solve. Your role is to be able to solve them efficiently. The ability to solve any problems and get beautiful results from them is the essence of spiritual development. Spirituality is a quality of a transcendental level in all areas of life. Understanding this point, you realize that many things in your life will change, tasks will be more difficult, but they will be easier for you to solve. For those who know, the demand is always higher. It is this responsibility that frightens many on the path of spiritual, and indeed any development. It doesn’t matter what happens in your life, what matters is how you feel about it, how you solve situations and what result you get. Therefore, the spiritual path begins with self-acceptance, self-love, with the ability to be of high quality in what we have today - grateful for what we have. There is one more point. Nothing happens to a single person that his soul does not desire. In other words, everything that happens in a person’s life is a task for the development of his soul, through the body as an instrument. Intellectually, of course, it is difficult to agree with many tasks of the Soul, especially with illness, violence, death, etc. After all, the task of the mind is to ensure the survival of the body at any cost, and for the soul to part with the body is like changing a coat for a jacket for us. Realizing that our whole life is the development of the Soul, otherwise you begin to perceive life situations. You understand that there is no point in wasting time and energy on fears and panic, on negative emotions - the situation still needs to be resolved, so why deprive yourself of strength? It is more appropriate to thank the Universe for the development situation, to wrap it in the energy of good - your Love. Ask yourself the question: “What can I do in this situation honestly, purely, and what beautiful (quality) result can I get?” Decide and start acting. And not just try, torture yourself and create the appearance of actions, but do it until you get a beautiful result that causes joy within you. This solution scheme is suitable for any life situation. The wisdom of life lies in qualitatively solving all development tasks on your life path. So!