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When dealing with age-related crises, anxieties and fears, and difficult life situations, psychologists recommend working with therapeutic fairy tales when working with children. Such fairy tales can be either selected in special collections or written specifically for the child and his situation. Fairy tales open up a magical world for the child, in which there are many heroes similar to himself. The language of fairy tales is close to a child - it is the language of magic and miracles in which the child believes and endows everything around with magical powers. with the help of which the child learns to understand the world. The child does not yet have much experience in complex problem situations, but in fairy tales, together with the main character, the child lives this experience, receives a life lesson that he has not yet had in real life, but which he already happened in the magical world of children's imagination. So how can you read fairy tales to your child so that the fairy tale lesson is learned? ✅ Of course, first of all, choose the right fairy tale with characters that are close and understandable to the child. Psychologists recommend that in early preschool age, select simple therapeutic fairy tales with understandable plots, in which the main character is presented in the form of an animal, and from older preschool age, the child is closer to heroes similar to him: boys or girls, princes or princesses with similar qualities.✅Read a fairy tale You need to emotionally, with your voice and face, highlight the main points of the fairy tale. If the hero is scared, make a scared face, if sad, show sadness - this is how the child learns empathy, empathy, learns the language of emotions and feelings.✅After the fairy tale, it is necessary to discuss the actions of the heroes, what result they led to, discuss what feelings the heroes had in one situation or another. The ability to ask the right questions and correctly answer a child’s questions is no less important than the fairy tale itself.✅And of course, work after the fairy tale: drawing based on the fairy tale, completing a fairy tale assignment, playing with your favorite toys on a given topic, writing a continuation of the fairy tale, inventing plot on behalf of other fairy tale characters, discussing their feelings and emotions. If you use the resources of fairy tales correctly, they will have a real healing effect on the child and will become an indispensable assistant for every parent.