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Adolescence seems to be the most important stage in the development of a person’s mental and mental health. Children at this age are very harsh towards each other. They pounce on their weak comrades and tear them down mercilessly, just as a pack of wolves hunts down a deer to kill it. The most difficult period in the life of teenagers: 10-12 for girls and 12-14 years for boys. Why? It is at this time that self-doubt and feelings of inferiority reach their apogee, and the teenager’s environment puts very strong pressure on him: family, friends , peers, society….What do teenagers dislike most about themselves? They are dissatisfied with some detail of their appearance, they feel ugly, unattractive, and this problem occupies their minds most of the time. This problem leads them to severe stress, anxiety, and depression. How to help a child gain a sense of self-confidence and dignity? Help to understand that the child is not alone Help the child not to run away from problems, but to tackle them successfully: make a list of everything that he doesn’t like about himself or what worries him and let will mark the points that worry him MOST and about which he constantly thinks. Let him choose a person whom he trusts and whose opinion he values. This should be an adult who understands the problems of young people: a teacher, a counselor, a parent... who can express his thoughts about his problems. And for those problems that seem insoluble, simply CALMLY ACCEPT WHAT CANNOT BE CHANGED. You can get rid of this list, rekindle it....Help the child compensate for his shortcomings, i.e. balance your weaknesses with your strengths. Teach your child how to make friends and explain the value that real friends provide. “If you want to have friends, become a good friend yourself.” When a child feels confident and has high self-esteem, he will be able to resist the world around him, which is trying to subjugate him. His answer will be something like this: “If you guys are going to do something stupid, go ahead. But I won’t do this!” - this is not childishness, but a manifestation of courage to confront the “at-risk group”. What are the “dos” and “nots” in the process of education? Do not hurt their feelings or irritate them. It is very important to establish confidence and self-respect, since at this age they occupy a certain “borderline position.” They live in a world where they cannot yet enjoy the privileges of adults and at the same time can no longer enjoy the advantages of children. Attracting them to cooperate = peace + understanding. Teenagers need to learn to take responsibility for their decisions, the desire to cooperate. The foundation of everything is the house. parenting…..Effective formula: A combination of kindness + firm discipline. Set reasonable boundaries in accordance with the child’s age. Combine compliance with them with penalties for violations. For example: you came home from a walk on time, which means next time you can play longer. Arrived later than agreed, which means next time the time to communicate with friends will be shorter. Tell your child that you want him to play with friends and communicate with them, but let him decide for himself what to get next time - a reward or punishment. Be consistent in following established rules. Make sure your word matches your deed. If you cannot punish for disobedience immediately, be sure to resort to disciplinary measures later. Let the motive of punishment always be love, and never anger. Be strict because your children need it, not because they have upset or angered you. Convey to your child that you are not against him, but against his wrong behavior.