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“When will all this end?” - a new question that new clients began to ask me. The situation in the world is, of course, stressful. Stress for the unprepared risks developing into distress. People are tired. But they continue to monitor the latest news about the coronavirus every day and look for symptoms. Which leads to further tension in the psycho-emotional sphere. It turns out to be a vicious circle: news - anxiety - news - stress - news - distress... Not everyone knows how to break out of this vicious circle. Then despair comes and the question: “When will all this end?” What is happening in the world now, of course, contrasts with the usual life that existed before. But upheavals in the world occur periodically and humanity already has experience of living through and overcoming long-term difficult events. The experience of the historical past suggests that people who think and know how to remain calm cope better. No one can predict what will happen next and what and when everything will happen will end. But we can help ourselves get through and successfully emerge from crisis events. We know that mental toughness improves immunity. After all, anxiety and stress waste a lot of the body’s resources. Therefore, we can try to provide ourselves with the maximum possible psychological comfort. And many are already doing this, using online education services, online cinemas and others. Enjoying watching movies, learning how to cut hair at home, or improving your skills in your profession is, of course, useful. But, as a tool for combating anxiety, it only serves as a distraction. It’s not always possible to be distracted from thoughts about the coronavirus for long. What to do with anxiety later, when you can no longer be distracted? Look fear in the eyes. Find out for yourself what scares you the most. Most often it is the fear of getting infected and dying. When fear has a name, it becomes calmer. Think about how high the probability of this really is? The news broadcasts terrible images, but statistics show that the percentage of deaths is not as large as it might seem. After all, the news specifically selects the most negative news. They are silent about the fact that the vast majority of those infected recover or do not even notice their infection. Protect yourself. The need for security is one of the basic human needs. Therefore, we are taking some action to support this need. For example, we increase immunity. Increase immunity. Health. Maintaining your health is always useful, but now it is becoming more relevant. If there are chronic diseases, prevent them. Take a course of medications as prescribed by your doctor, watch the menu more closely (refuse junk food in favor of healthy food). Take time to recharge. Physical activity always helps improve health. The psychological component is part. Here you can use external and internal tools. External: meditation, yoga, listening to your favorite music, playing sports (to release strong emotions), hobbies. Internal – victory over anxieties and fears from the inside, using some psychological methods or with a psychologist. Whenever this all ends, we always have a choice: wait or live. Agree, anxiously waiting for the end of the epidemic, quarantine, self-isolation, and any other unusual events is not life. And life is good health and emotional stability in any situation. And each of us can provide this for ourselves.