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Every person in life has white and black stripes. Sometimes the black line becomes so wide that it turns into a bottomless abyss. In a situation of complete hopelessness, a person often turns to his friends or relatives for help. Any normal person will always lend a helping hand in such a situation to someone who needs it so much. But a person does not always think about what the desire to help his neighbor might mean for him. Why, after the efforts they make to help, do loved ones turn into enemies. What are the dangers of helping a loved one? In a difficult life situation, we always willingly extend our helping hand to someone who needs it. But at the same time, we do not always think about what consequences such a gesture may have. There is a high probability of ending up as a slave, because having become accustomed to constant help, a person will always ask for it; One-time help quickly turns into regular help. Constant gifts become a kind of “doping” for the budget of the consumer of help; You will always have to help, regardless of your own desires and life situations; Over time, they will not ask for help. They will demand help. The role of a well-wisher will become boring over time. She will turn into “a stone around her neck.” If the assistance was expressed in material values, then over time it turns out to be an important part of the budget. If material benefits stop flowing into it, then the budget will begin to burst at the seams. Sooner or later, a good Samaritan will have a dependent on his neck. And if at one fine moment the good Samaritan does not have the opportunity to come to the rescue once again, he will learn a lot of new and negative things about himself. How people react to help When a person has a difficult life situation , he asks for help. If it is provided, then warm gratitude follows. Only at first they ask for help, and after a while the requests turn into demands. Therefore, there is a high probability of turning from a Samaritan into a “cash cow”, and then completely moving into the category of an enemy. People tend to devalue what they get for free. And the help is provided free of charge. If it is denied, it is perceived negatively. It is customary to count on help. But the efforts made to provide assistance are devalued. After all, a person who has made an effort has both time and energy for this. It is often believed that the resource available to a person is limitless. A person shares what he has in abundance. The desire to receive someone else's excess is often accompanied by banal envy. But the moment the resource runs out, the recipient of the help begins to demand continued handouts. After all, he is already used to them. As a result, the Samaritan must also apologize for the fact that he has run out of resources and there will be no more help. But the addressee does not need an apology and the difficulties encountered by the Samaritan are not of interest to him. He is used to living at the expense of the Samaritan and he no longer wants to make efforts himself. What for? After all, it’s more convenient. Why does the one who was helped always leave? Often, after, thanks to the efforts of the Good Samaritan, a difficult life period has been left behind, the recipient of the help simply ends all relations with the Samaritan. The second one has no desire to even communicate with him. Sometimes the recipient even stops saying hello on the street. This is where a good person gets offended. Why, when he helped, was needed, and then found himself out of work. It’s just that for a long time a kind person was a support, a crutch. After the patient’s life improved and he learned to move independently, he no longer needed the crutch. Why do you need a crutch when you can now get by with your own legs? There is another reason why people simply stop communicating with a person. The resource has run out. The money, free time and opportunities have run out. Therefore, the person simply turned out to be useless. His resource has already been used, and a new source of resources is required. So, help a loved one: 8-918-253-73-83