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For parents, divorce is most often a way out of a crisis situation. And for children it is the collapse of the world, the loss of happiness, joy and love. Therefore, the main thing is that during the divorce process, parents first of all think about the child. Despite the divorce, spouses need to realize the full responsibility of the situation and rebuild their relationship. The main thing that parents should do during a divorce is to separate in a civilized manner and always remember about their children. The reaction of children to the divorce process can be the most unexpected: low mood, apathy. - isolation, confusion. - tearfulness, capriciousness. - insomnia. - excitability, aggressiveness. - increased anxiety, fears. - feelings of guilt and uselessness. - a feeling of loneliness, hopelessness. If these signs (one or more) do not go away within a month, it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist (psychologist, psychotherapist, neurologist). But the main part of the actions to maintain the child’s mental balance still falls on the parents. How to help child to survive a divorce: - The parents must communicate the decision about divorce to the child together. - In general terms, it is necessary to explain in understandable language why you decided to get a divorce. - Immediately tell your child that the divorce is not his fault. Usually, after their parents divorce, children feel guilty for no apparent reason. - During a divorce, it is very important to make it clear to the child that none of the parents betrayed or abandoned him. - It is especially important not to manipulate a child at a time when he has to make a choice with which parent to live with. Consider his wishes. - Try not to sort things out in the presence of a child. And if this does happen, do not force him to take your side and never drag your child into your quarrels and intrigues. - Never involve even adult children in the divorce process, let alone children. It has been established that 2/3 of childhood neuroses arise from parental divorce. - Limit the influence of disgruntled relatives who tell your child nasty things about their parents. - Provide your child with an active social life so that he can take his mind off sad thoughts and increase his self-esteem. - Do not prohibit the other parent from seeing the child, as this causes great harm to his psyche. Don't forget that the child loves both dad and mom equally. - Learn to negotiate on any issues and problems concerning children. Do not blame each other, do not shift responsibility, look for an acceptable solution to the problem for everyone. If the child is not with you: - Give the child the opportunity to get used to the new state of affairs and life with one of the parents. He needs time to adapt to all the changes that have occurred. - Don’t become “Sunday dad (mom)” or Santa Claus. You shouldn't buy your child's affection with expensive gifts. Give him your time, attention and love. - If you invite a child to your new family, take into account his wishes. Don't expect him to immediately accept new relatives (this may never happen), in which case it is better to meet your child on neutral territory. - Communicate with your child, talk to him more often. Discuss issues with him honestly and openly in a language he understands. - Make a clear schedule for one of the parents to visit the child and try to stick to it. The main thing is to remember that how you behave is the key to your child’s future and his happiness. Ask yourself honestly what is more important to you now: for the child to remain an emotionally balanced, happy, thinking person who knows that even if mom and dad don’t live together, they still love him, or to turn into an unhappy and suffering person. Despite all life's troubles, misfortunes and misfortunes, you need to make sure that the child is happy! It is important that all children who experience divorce receive emotional support and learn how to cope with stress.