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The promised continuation about Vika. In the previous post I described how much effort our heroine made, how she rushed about and tried to change her condition. But to no avail. Tips: start with yourself, love yourself, don’t get hung up, let go of grudges. The advice is correct. Only 💥 useless 💥 because it’s not clear HOW! So what helped her in our work together? What to do if you are in a similar situation? 1. Clean up your inner life. Dreams of mutual love, the need for warmth, trust - all this can be taken away and appropriated. This is your energy to move. And the barbs, devaluing words, insults that fell like stones into your garden should be collected and metaphorically returned to the author. 2. Find thinking errors and revise your thoughts. Many of which hurt, they whisper urgently. - No one will love you anymore - You are no mistress, mistress. You have a bad character. - You will remain alone forever, no one needs you. Such words scratch the soul and heart. They devalue and then you find it difficult to believe in yourself. Denial and sky-high dreams are no less unsettling. - Everything will be fine, he will look back, understand, and return. He loves me, he's just confused. - I'll get better, get rich, learn English and Chinese and he'll regret leaving me. The discrepancy with reality and the waiting mode ultimately brings suffering and a decadent mood. 3. Start taking care of yourself physically and emotionally. Turn to your childish part of your personality that suffers from emotional hunger. Establish contact with her, establish the kind of connection that you need. The one you dream about outside. As you probably already understood, you need an❗integrated approach❗ and preferably with accompaniment, which will be discussed in the following posts. It’s complex, because one thing clings to another, then bad thoughts creep into your head, then you ache unbearably inside. And if you try to switch off, then all your energy goes away and you turn into a zombie without desires and joy. Do the solutions that helped Vika resonate with you? Have you done something similar on your own or with a therapist? Please share your methods!