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How often do we start a new life on Monday? And from January 1? In the circle of family and friends, friends and colleagues, we make solemn promises to ourselves that from this very moment in our lives everything will be different, brighter, more fun, sincere, more beautiful, better, faster, more effective and etc. And now comes that very time “H” and…. Nothing happens? At best, we quickly “forget” our good intentions for change, at worst we turn on the voice of the “inner accuser” who will tell us, and tell us exactly how lazy, inferior we are, we have no order, and much more…. Sound familiar? So why every year, and not only that, we make promises to ourselves, make wishes and set goals that we not only fail to fulfill, but also don’t try to implement, finding ourselves a bunch of excuses. Let’s try to figure it out? The New Year's Eve press, TV, and Internet sites will be full of thousands of recipes for making wishes come true on New Year's Eve, but we will try to look at this process from a scientific point of view. “All the years we have been waiting for someone to come who will understand us, love us, appreciate us, solve our problems (Santa Claus, Fairy, Prince, etc.) ... and we will wait a very long time until We won’t understand that the closest and dearest person who knows exactly what we want... is ourselves.” There is such a concept - Personal effectiveness; the person who wants something (sets a goal) and achieves it is effective and successful. By the way, a goal differs from a desire only by having a deadline for its completion and calculating the resource it will cost us. So, for personal effectiveness you need three parameters: 1. Availability of desire, need, goal2. Actions necessary for its implementation - this is where “getting stuck” is most likely; we often perform many unnecessary actions without carrying out the main one - “getting off the couch” J3. Joy from the achieved result, even an intermediate one - but this point is completely “stuck” in our mentality, and how can you be happy if those around you find thousands of reasons not to do this: the crisis, the government is not like that, and in general, the “end of the world” will soon "...What to do? -Aim for the moon, if you miss, you will still end up among the stars - a joke, but seriously? Sit back, relax, give yourself 5 minutes during which no one and nothing (tel. Internet, etc.) will distract you. Imagine your most cherished wish that you want to fulfill in the new year and feel it as if it has already happened... Have you imagined it? Great! Now remember this state, if the very thought of this desire filled you with strength and energy - it is definitely yours, and then go to step 2 - breakdown of steps, and if your feeling is close to anxiety, at least somewhere in the body tension and fatigue resonate , lethargy, bewilderment, etc. - this is definitely not your intention, you should not waste time and energy on it (fulfilling such desires, our body resists with the help of laziness, failures, etc.). Let's move on, point 2 - we have broken down the practical steps necessary to implement it (to win the lottery, you need to buy a ticketJ) and move on to step 3 - joy at every stage of execution, ask yourself, what will I get by completing each step, what will be different in my life? - if we connect the resource of joy, our entire body will actively help us cope with our planned actions, we will have enough strength to do everything we plan! Listen to yourself, within you there are answers to all questions, ways to solve the most difficult problems in life and resources for achieving them! Good luck to you in the difficult but very pleasant task of getting to know yourself! And may the wisest, most powerful, most extraordinary wizard be with you not only in the New Year 2012, but throughout it and beyond - You Yourself!