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A panic attack (PA) is an inexplicable, painful anxiety attack for a person, accompanied by causeless fear, combined with various vegetative (somatic) symptoms. If attacks of PA are repeated, we can talk about the presence of a panic disorder. Panic disorder is quite widespread in the modern world. According to various sources, it affects 2-5% of the population. “The very name of the disease comes from the name of the ancient Greek god Pan, the patron saint of wild nature, upon seeing whom mere mortals ran away in horror.” N. Vlasov PA is characterized by four or more symptoms at once: Rapid pulse Sweating Chills, tremor, feeling of internal trembling Feeling of shortness of breath, shortness of breath Choking or difficulty breathing Nausea or discomfort in the abdominal cavity Feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded or lightheaded Feeling of derealization, depersonalization Fear of going crazy Fear of death Numbness or tingling sensation Cold or hot flashes This condition usually lasts no more than half an hour, and the attack itself - no more than a few minutes. The trigger for the manifestation of PA is most often some stressful external event for a person: an exam, conflict, divorce, change of job, place of residence, etc. But it is consolidating The mechanism for the development of panic disorder is focusing on physical symptoms (heartbeat, breathing, etc.) with an attempt to control them, which, in turn, strengthens the symptoms themselves, which subsequently result in an attack. No matter how scary the manifestations of panic disorder may be for the person person and did not look like that from the outside, you need to know that from them: no one dies, does not faint, does not suffocate, does not go crazy. The following can help cope with attacks: grounding techniques (name 5 and touch 4 objects that surround you, hear 3 sounds and etc.) diaphragmatic breathing Jacobson relaxation increase in motor activity regulation of sleep and rest exclusion of PAVT Also, CBT, EMDR, CST and other methods of psychotherapy work effectively with PA. Take care of yourself and seek help if you need it! VKontakte group: https://vk.com/psy_milkTelegram channel: https://t.me/psy_milkova