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The impostor complex is actually common to many people. From a scientific point of view, it can be called learned helplessness syndrome. It appears when we are taught from childhood to give up our results. When our parents explained to us that we are far from the most capable, smart, beautiful, and so on. But my mother’s friend’s son, on the contrary, is an excellent student, an athlete, obedient, and helps around the house! But you fall short. As a consequence of this, we grow up and cannot afford to arrogate our expertise to ourselves. We convince ourselves that I am not professional enough, not a very bright speaker, a mediocre person, and so on. Thus, we ourselves dissuade ourselves from making money, reaching a new level in our careers, developing and showing our abilities to the world. Everyone periodically faces impostor syndrome, but some people constantly live with the feeling that they are unworthy of something. As long as this complex is with us, we will not have big money and large-scale results. How to determine how much of an impostor complex you have? Ask yourself three questions that you will have to answer yourself as honestly as possible.❓How often do you say “no” to yourself?❓ What things do you not allow yourself? Go to prestigious restaurants, wear beautiful clothes, relax in luxury hotels, go to expensive resorts, be in the company of successful people. Write down everything you are depriving yourself of because you think you are unworthy. ❓ What do you have that you don’t think you deserve? What do other people look at and think you're not worthy of? What are you afraid of losing? Write it down. And after the practice, ask yourself the main question: are you ready to continue living with such thoughts? Or do you want to work on yourself to live the life of your dreams, where you deserve everything? To take your first step towards success and rich thinking, start working through your limiting attitudes according to the algorithm I described. A list of the main 200+ limiting settings can be found at this link - https://skydzen.ru/data/uploads/pdf/praktikapoiskaubezhdenij/practicum.pdf. Sincerely yours, millionaire psychologist Vitaly Naumov. I suggest continuing and deepening the work you have done in a personal consultation👉 WhatsApp, Tel: +79086311911👉 Subscribe https://t.me/lifeuspeh