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From the author: Intuition has too many names and images, states and clothes that mask the radiant light of pure reason. But it is hidden in front of those who are not yet ready, without squinting, to look openly into the EYES OF ETERNITY, sparkling with the sunny tints of wisdom and love. “Intuition can give itself impartially to all parts of our being, for even the body has its own intuition.” – Sh. A. Ghosh. – Synthesis of Yoga. THE PHENOMENON OF INTUITIONPremonition, anticipation, the subtle presence of truth or knowledge that cannot be analyzed and eliminates doubt - is far from a complete characteristic of the state called intuition. As a rule, the negative connotation of an intuitive warning or insight is primarily noticed by a person, and is fixed by consciousness, driven by fear . It is as if he awakens the sleeping and unconscious nature of the soul with directed attention. So little by little, intuition comes out of the shadow of the transcendental and phenomenal world in order to direct its ray to the Guardian of the Threshold, who controls the entire individual-personal path of a person. Reluctantly, the Guardian of the Threshold, as if he was disturbed for nothing , releases a flock of bats of the subconscious, flying unexpectedly and alarmingly on a person’s mental screen, prompting him to turn his frightened gaze to vague images and sensations of a bodily-emotional nature. Often this is how the most mysterious part of our nature reveals itself. Intuition is a subtly feeling, prophetic a lady who comes without invitation or explanation, leaving an indelible mark of incessant surprise and stupid bewilderment on a person too self-confident to admit his inadequacy. Intuition has too many names and images, states and robes that mask the radiant light of pure reason. But it is hidden in front of those who are not yet ready, without squinting, to openly look into the EYES of ETERNITY, sparkling with the solar shimmer of wisdom and love. Only after a while, when a person develops his mind and coordinates it with his feelings, a stable communication channel called straight-knowledge is formed. “Sense-knowledge is knowledge and experience accumulated in our Chalice. So-called intuition, but of particularly high quality. The bowl is the focus of all radiations and is located at the level of the heart. This is the focal point where they are refracted and through which they propagate.” – E. I. Roerich. Secret knowledge. Theory and practice of Agni Yoga. Thanks to SENSITIVE KNOWLEDGE - HIGHER FEELINGS + DIRECTED KNOWLEDGE, the highest mind - REASON - an instrument of the SPIRIT, connects with FEELINGS in the Chalice of the Spiritual Heart, where the SOUL sits. “The Chalice, as a synthetic center, stores the most indescribable accumulations and is the repository of everything loved and precious. Sometimes much collected in the Chalice remains closed for entire lives.” – Agni Yoga. LIGHT OF INTUITIONINTUITION is LIGHT and IDEA, clothed in ethereal substance and descending from the buddhic plane into the mental, astral and physical vehicles of a person, using his “sensitive-registration” receptors/channels, the main one of which is the mind. Multidimensional structure under by name, a person contains a triad of spiritual bodies/shells - the budhial/buddhic or intuitive body, the celestial body of the Spirit and the ketheric/atmanic body of the Soul. BUDHIC BODY - a polymer, subtle, material-plasma structure/etheric matrix, which is separated from the physical dense body at 50 - 60 cm. Contains Information Matrices, on the basis of which the construction and functioning of the etheric body takes place, both in the third and in other space-time continuums, where the reincarnation of the Monad takes place *. The light of the intuitive body is the light of knowledge, which is transmitted by the Soul through revitalization of the two upper centers - Vishuddhi - the throat center and Ajna - the eyebrow center. Thus the creative throat and the receptive, spiritually aware mind come together in the act of self-construction. The light in the head is partly related to the light that the intuitive body transmits to the pineal gland, activating its activity and development, thereby producing changes at the physiological level.the light in the head is also influenced by meditative processes, control/purification of the mind and the influx of spiritual power through the tools of straight-knowledge: SELF-REMEMBERING CONSCIOUS DREAMS SPIRITUAL READING DIRECTION OF FEELINGS INTRA SELF-REMEMBERING is the result of the activity of the Soul in other incarnations and states of consciousness. CONSCIOUS DREAMS are symbolic and figurative pictures of “night consciousness” , containing tips and instructions for daytime consciousness. SPIRITUAL READING - synthesis of various knowledge of an occult and exoteric nature with the formation of correct discrimination. DIRECTION OF SENSINGS INWARD - development of kinesthetic, auditory, visual and discrete representative systems of perception. “Light is material, and from the point of view of the spirit, light is the purification of states of matter or a higher form of the substance of matter." - Djwhal Khul. There are, technically, only two bodies of light - the ethereal, on which emotions/thoughts/desires are imprinted in the form of colored aura colors and vitality itself, and the body of the Soul. Intuitive the body, as a conductor of the Soul, stimulates light in the mental body, transferring the focus of consciousness to the head from the throat. This is how the lower concrete (rational, rational) mind is melted into the higher abstract mind, which contains pure reason or intuition and the universal mind. Intuition is the transcendental mind that uses the concrete mind depending on the point of evolution of the individual and its polarization: physical, emotional and /or mental. Polarization is the development of man as a soul, through a physical conductor called the body for 18 million years. In other words, polarization is evolution: individual - through self-awareness and group - through unity. “Thanks to analysis, correlation and Through synthesis, man develops the ability to think, and the abstract mind can unite with the concrete mind.” – Light of the Soul. This ability/opportunity allows a person to “comprehend Divine ideas and highlight some fundamental, pure truths.” However, the current situation for the majority of humanity is somewhat different. Often the mind is characterized by mental isolation and limitation with emotional polarization, astral enchantment and obsession. ASTRAL LIGHT “Astral light is just a cinema created by man himself. And what man has created, he can also destroy.” – Djwhal Khul. From an occult point of view, the astral light is “a subtle essence and the great Serpent and Dragon, from which, according to Eliphas Levi, every evil influence emanates on humanity. It is in this earthly crucible that all the evil emanations of the earth (moral and physical), which feed the Astral Light, are transformed into their subtlest essence and, strengthened, are emitted back, thus causing epidemics - moral, mental, physical." Astral illusions generated by man have created over thousands of years an almost impenetrable, dense fog of lower astral, lunar influences that excite the emotional body not only during life, but also in the afterlife, sometimes leading the soul away from the destined path of returning Home. “Do not be attracted by the dim bluish-yellow light emanating from the world of people. You are driven to take this path by the egoistic inclinations you have acquired and are ingrained in you... Don’t get attached to it, don’t be weak. Believe in a bright, dazzling light... Do not let the dull gray light of the underworld attract you. This is the path to the underworld. He opens up to you to accept you because you have accumulated bad karma due to adherence to unrestrained anger. If you follow it, you will be cast into the underworld, and once there you will endure unbearable suffering, and it is not known when you will be able to emerge from there. This will be an obstacle and delay for you on the Path to liberation.” - Tibetan Book of the Dead. These are only part of the tests that face those who have left the earthly world for the world of spirits. Therefore, the Science of Dying among initiates of different times was no less honorable and significant than the Science of Life, for it prepared a person for a new, conscious birth. Thus, the one who passed into the worldThe celestial forefathers, “remembering” his spiritual origin and/or guided by the prompts/direction of a spiritual accomplice/guide on both sides of life, literally makes his way through the astral fog of the Bardo, mentally uttering words that dispel maya (illusion): “Having driven away all fear of ghostly visions “May I realize that all visions are a reflection of my consciousness. May I realize their illusory nature. May I not be afraid of the thought forms I have created. And at this decisive hour I will achieve a great goal.” CRITERIA FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTUITION “First reach the spiritual world, and the results will come by themselves " - Ramakrishna In self-development, intuition plays a key role, because it motivates more than any interest that is not supported by recognizing the correctness of the steps/actions being taken in the field of one’s own self-creativity. Hence the importance of developing an intuitive channel, which stimulates spiritual and personal development, inspiring and supporting the seeker of truth. In the development of intuition, it is necessary to highlight the fundamental tools or criteria by which an intuitive relationship is built. In my opinion, there are four such criteria: Expansion of consciousness is the most important task, because the ability to contain, even if the entire rational-rational nature is indignant, is the quality of an integrated personality, inclined to receive new impressions from intuitive planes, conscious and unconscious levels. The main synthesis of the opening or expansion of consciousness lies in the movement from the rudimentary consciousness to the feeling consciousness - then to the mentally conscious and, subsequently, to the divinely understanding, in touch with the world of spiritual realities and possibilities, encompassing the fifth, spiritual kingdom of souls. A stable connection with the Soul is established through daily meditation - the aspects of "Self" and "not-self" and maintained contact with the inner child. Meditation is a tuned process of bodily relaxation and internal dialogue, including concentration, visualization, contemplation, balanced breathing, emotional control and control of mental flows. The inner child is a mirror image of our Soul, the true higher “I” of a person - the SOLAR ANGEL. The inner child maintains our connection with the world of spirit, which continued during the first seven years of life, which must be renewed on a conscious basis. During meditation, going to the “halls of the Soul” - the place of “stay/location” of the inner child, we initially establish a connection with a being waiting for our deep, sensual touch. This is how the long-awaited reunion of “I” and “not-me” takes place, as if an invisible PRESENCE comes to life in us. “The secret Self within us is the intuitive Self, and it is present in every center of our being, physical, nervous, emotional, volitional, conceptual or cognitive and in even higher, directly spiritual centers. And in every part of our being it secretly evokes the intuitive principle of our actions, which is imperfectly received and executed by our outer mind and transformed into movements of ignorance in the outer action of these parts of our nature. – Sh. A. Ghosh. Synthesis of Yoga. THE CONDITION OF A CHILD is not at all a state of immaturity, but a set of qualities inherent in us, “adult children”, regardless of the age of the individual: INTERNAL FREE-SOUL NATURALITY SINCEREINESS INTEREST CURIOSITY Radiant JOY TIRESLESS ENERGY GUISHNESS CHEERFUL LIGHTNESS OF PERCEPTION CONSTANT DESIRE FOR NEW COMPASSION CREATIVE ACTIVITY LOVE OF NATURE This “state” is amazing, because it is the balance of your own perception of the world, who you see and feel yourself, and who you really are. It is important to remember it, and always measure your “adult actions and steps” with the naturally inimitable state of a child. Establishing contact with the inner child occurs in emotional and mental silence. His PRESENCE is “discovered”, captured in the form of visual, auditory and kinesthetic reactions, thanks to the imagination. IMAGINATION is the bridge betweenpersonality and Soul, this is the inspired IMAGE of our perfection, the divine SIMILARITY, manifested in all worlds, unlimited by mentality and emotionality. “Imagination is nothing more than the memory of previous births.” – Pythagoras. Imagination, strengthened by the internal need for integrity, and the removal of the veil that hides the real and undistorted image of one’s own individuality is a necessary property that allows both adults and children to find peace of mind and powerful support. Once we have established CONTACT with our INVISIBLE PART, we complete the process of UNITY , called DUALITY IN CONSISTENT UNITY. The development of sensitivity - the internal ability to perceive, becomes possible thanks to the representative channels of a person: auditory, visual, digital and kinesthetic. This process is the evolution of feelings in their individually combined expression. The evolution of feelings or “sensitive evolution” is nothing more than the evolution of the five senses, which have their own “representation” in the individual psychoportrait of a person. In other words, having determined your dominant channel of straight-knowledge, thanks to knowledge about the elements and their expression in a particular person, you can assume the dynamics and sequence of your own spiritual development. Sensitivity is the ability of a person’s internal representative systems, aimed at an internal response to the Soul. This ability is realized through tools of straight-knowledge. The centers for the development of straight-knowledge - Ajna - Vishuddha - Anahata are, in turn, centers of intuitive perception. Detection of light is, firstly, awareness of light as a possible and manifested part of one’s self. Secondly, directing attention to the inner ability / the possibility of glow or spiritual radiation. Thirdly, stimulation of the glow of the Soul through the preparation of physical (dense and etheric) / astral / mental conductors of the body through their cleansing. QUALITIES OF DEVELOPED INTUITION Among the qualities that characterize developed intuition, allowing it to control a person’s life, three main ones can be identified: ENLIGHTENMENT, UNDERSTANDING and LOVE. Rushing towards freedom Intuitively I feel the Path And the Soul opens like a flower Enlightens my essence ENLIGHTENMENT is the discovery and use of: bodily / etheric light, light of intellect or light knowledge of the light of the Soul of the light of intuition In other words, enlightenment is the quality of a person’s “glow”, indicating the light in his head and spiritual heart, as well as in the entire aura (biofield). That is, enlightenment is nothing more than the light of a person’s expanded capabilities, a point of achievement on the scale of his individual evolution. UNDERSTANDING is the ability to perceive life holistically and respond to the plans of the Soul and group unity. Understanding is a synthetic instrument of straight-knowledge, which is characterized by universality and integrity. Understanding is a mental quality of a spiritually transformed personality, which, along with enlightenment, subsequently forms an intuitively perceiving and relaying channel, through which true and undistorted information comes from higher super-intelligent planes. “First listen, then understand and then, throwing away everything that distracts us from the goal, lock our consciousness to external influences and indulge in the development of truth within us.” – Swami Vivekananda Understanding is always spontaneous, immediate and effortless. When reasoning is mixed with understanding, it is not an act of intuition. Another intuitive quality can be fully attributed to LOVE, as an all-inclusive ability to embrace the lives and needs of all people. This quality of unconditional love is the negation of all obstacles, any criticism and division, along with the acceptance of the nature of Unity. All three of the above qualities develop in the person striving for intuitive knowledge, literally, CLEAR THINKING and CORRECT ACTION. The development of intuition is a long and systematic process of attuning the three structural parts person: physical, emotional and mental with a triple