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From the author: The article is posted on the website, a link is required. You can effectively control people using fear - this is not news. A frightened person does not think; to think, one needs calmness and a sober mind, but he is paralyzed - by fear. Ideologists, PR people, charlatans and obscurantists have always sought to manipulate the consciousness of people, instilling fear in them. Let's look at one example of how the myth of sectarian Russia is created, why do they scare us? If you were told scary fairy tales as a child, then they were sure to tell you that if you behave badly, the most terrible character in the horror story will certainly come and take you away. Education with fear sometimes gave results; children were afraid of policemen, “babai”, kashchei, and other evil spirits, so for a while they even behaved decently. At such moments, adults were happy; they knew that fairy tales work and the correct behavior of their offspring is evidence of this. Any horror story is a way of controlling people’s behavior. For example, in Nazi Germany, many terrible myths were created so that the population understood where the enemy was, with whom they needed to fight and why. In order to scare, to indicate fear, it needs to come up with a name. The fascists came up with many such names, for example, “communists”, “defective race”, if anyone is not aware, then these are all Slavs, gypsies, Jews, all this, according to Dr. Goebbels’s plan, should have caused fear among the German people, and after them hatred. Goebbels succeeded - the result is known, grief, death, concentration camps, millions of corpses. Comrade Stalin and his company of ideologists were also talented in creating fear. At the mere mention of the phrase “enemy of the people” or “dastardly hireling of imperialism,” the accused’s legs gave way, and all his friends instantly became former and began to angrily accuse “the cleverly disguised dog of the bourgeoisie” out of fear. It is very important to note that there is no clear definition for such horror stories , as “babai”, “defective race”, “enemy of the people” simply does not exist. Do you know why? So that any objectionable person or group of people can be substituted for these concepts. On the other hand, many signs were attributed to such concepts, for example, “enemy of the people” - this is someone who does not approve of the leading role of the party in the life of society, and more specifically, they found a newspaper in the toilet with materials from the party congress, they asked the question: which place was wiped? And without waiting for an answer - the verdict is “enemy of the people”! This is not irony, there are many criminal cases with such a plot, where people were sentenced to 25 years in prison. So, let us remember the three-pronged strategy of the scum and scoundrels who tortured and destroyed millions of innocent people: 1. come up with a name for the fear.2. find a vague “empty” definition for this name, with many attributes that apply to anything, anyone.3. to introduce into the consciousness of people so that they stop thinking and start to be afraid. And now in modern Russia there appears a bright follower of the above scum, a certain professor A.D., as he calls himself, for those who don’t know, I’ll decipher it - Alexander Dvorkin. To be precise, he is simply a person with a secondary education, since there is no evidence of his scientific activity or conferment of an academic title recognized by the Russian state. And it’s not his fault, let him call himself what he wants. The problem is this: this ideologist, having worked in America for various “enemy voices,” has well mastered the three-way combination of creating fear, which was so successfully used by Hitler, Goebbels, Stalin, and other tyrants - scum. To be fair, it must be said that the methods of ideological warfare were the same in the USSR and in the USA, where Dvorkin lived and studied. All of them were based on creating fear and hysteria.Step one.A.D. decided to scare the Russians. Guess three times - how? That’s right, just like the scoundrels, murderers, and fascists did, we must first come up with a name for fear, this is the first step. A.D. for the Russians I came up with the following horror stories:1. Totalitarian, destructive sect.2. Psychocult. Step two. Give a vague “empty” definitionwith many signs so that any person, any organization can be enrolled in a “totalitarian sect and psycho-cult.” So: What is a totalitarian sect? “This is an authoritarian organization, the main reason for its existence is power and money for the leadership. And in pursuit of this goal, it hides behind various masks - religion, psychology, cultural studies, pedagogy, politics. A sect is recognized by a number of properties: deception during recruitment, control of the consciousness of adherents, regulation of all aspects of their lives, deification of the leader.” HELL. for the newspaper "Stolichnaya", interview. The same definition was set out by A.D. in his book “Sect Studies”. If it is not clear whose A.D. follower, I will give the definition of what an “enemy of the people” is, given by a certain ideological worker of the Communist Party in 1937. “Enemies of the people are people and spy organizations who, for the sake of power and money, seek to undermine the Soviet system, they disguise themselves as scientists, intellectuals, medical workers, even penetrate the working class. These mercenaries of imperialism are deceitfully recruiting young people into their ranks, introducing ideals that are alien to us.” Ferdshtein M.A. from a speech at a meeting of the labor collective regarding the execution of another “enemy of the people.” With such definitions given by Dvorkin and his ideological brother Ferdshtein, “totalitarian sect" and any person, any organization can be included in the "enemies of the people". As the famous Russian religious scholar, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Moscow State University I. Ya. Kanterov writes, the concepts of "totalitarian sect" and "destructive sect" are meaningless, because in the blurred nature of the defining characteristics “make it possible to classify almost any new religious formation, religious and philosophical teaching, or cultural and educational institution as such associations.” These terms are used mainly for ideological purposes - creating a negative image of religious associations. Encyclopedia "Wikipedia". Thus, A.D. for psychologists, businessmen, politicians, cultural experts, he becomes an exposer on the basis of an empty horror story he has invented. This is what murderers and scum did in Stalin’s time, shooting innocent victims. This is what N. Khrushchev writes from his memoirs: “Some people were simply charlatans who chose for themselves the profession of exposing the enemies of the people. They terrorized everyone, unceremoniously declaring to their faces: “This one is the enemy of the people.” This accusation stuck with the person, attracted attention, and the NKVD began to investigate. The investigation, of course, was conducted secretly, agents were assigned to the person, and then they proved that he was really an enemy of the people.”N. Khrushchev. Definition of the second horror story A.D. “Psychocult.” “Psychocult is a type of totalitarian sect (from an interview on the TVC channel). Sects organized in the form of psychological courses or seminars.” Do you understand anything? That's right, that's how it should be. Even if the illusion of understanding arises, it quickly dissipates if you think a little. In this definition there is a reference - “a type of totalitarian sects”, which, as shown above, is meaningless and vague. You cannot define something unknown through another unknown. Otherwise, it turns out completely absurd. - What is a “Psycho-cult”? - A type of “Totalitarian sect”.- And what is a “Totalitarian sect”?- And it includes “Psycho-cult”. Any other questions? Everything is fine, the leaven of Soviet ideologists, adopted by Dvorkin to create horror stories, can be traced. Compare his definition of “Psychocult” with the definition of “Rootless Cosmopolitan” given as the title of the editorial in Pravda: “The Rootless Cosmopolitan is an enemy of the people”! From a selection of “anti-cosmopolitan” articles in the Soviet press. And you don’t need to understand everything - it’s a death sentence, it’s scary. “Psychocult is a type of totalitarian sect” and that’s it, any “speaking club” are sectarians who need to be exterminated. Thousands of people were put in camps and shot after being given the stamp “rootless cosmopolitan” . Out of fear, cultural figures wrote accusatory articles, becausethe main thing is to start the process: “Only people alien to Soviet society, rootless cosmopolitans, deprived of the sacred feeling of love for the Motherland, for their native culture, can deny the leading role and great transformative significance of Soviet literature and art. The harmful cosmopolitan ideas of people of this kind cause direct damage to the interests of the people, the interests of the Soviet literature and art." “Culture and Life” January 30, 1949. If “totalitarian sect and psychocult” are empty and meaningless concepts, then what are they for? Then, why “enemy of the people” - that is, instilling fear, creating negativity. “Words with a pronounced negative connotation, which constitutes the main meaning of their use: double-dealer, racist, enemy of the people, sectarian” Gorbanevsky M. “The Price of the Word” Now about signs of horror stories - “totalitarian sect, psychocult”, which were invented by A.D. “Religious Marketing. The sect is always engaged in religious marketing, that is, disseminating its teachings and recruiting new members through special means.” Really, a clear definition? The struggle of all Christian denominations for the flock is precisely religious marketing. And everyone has good means, including introduction into secular schools, and forced lectures in the army, universities, etc. Therefore, all Christian and non-Christian denominations can be inserted into this “empty frame - religious marketing”. "Aggressive proselytism and psychological pressure." Another “empty frame”, insert what you want. If only Orthodox priests are broadcast on TV all the time, is this aggressive proselytism? And my daughter, when she was little, saw a priest in a black robe, bearded and drunk, on the street, she was terribly scared, God forbid anyone to put such psychological pressure on a fragile soul. I had to explain that this is so, the guy is dressed up, and not Barmaley. If you are interested in the process, then you can continue to fill in the “empty frame” of this sign of a totalitarian sect, which can easily include representatives of any faiths, as well as secular organizations. “Double teaching. Recruiters do not tell those they are trying to attract to the sect the whole truth about the history of the sect, its founder and its true doctrine because sects have a double teaching - one for advertising their sect, for giving it a “human face”, and the other for for internal use." This masterpiece is about the army. On TV they showed beautiful advertisements “sign up as contract soldiers”; the recruiters did not provide the information that is known about our army to anyone who served in it. This framework, to one degree or another, includes almost all religious and secular organizations. “The organization of the sect is strictly hierarchical.” We have verticality and hierarchy everywhere, in the state, army, police, any organizations, and even, believe it or not, in the church. “The infallibility of the sect and its founder. The teaching of a sect always claims to be the highest truth, and the truth is “more recent” than the truths of all others, especially traditional religions.” All religions claim the infallibility of their creator. And in the army, the sergeant, or the warrant officer, knows the highest truth; let the soldier try to declare the sergeant’s “fallacy.” “Programming of consciousness. Members of sects are, first of all, people with an unstable psyche, who do not have clear moral criteria, spiritual and cultural knowledge.” This is also a completely empty frame, insert, for example, school - this is where they are brainwashed, and children come there with an unstable psyche, without clear moral criteria, spiritual and cultural knowledge. The army and any educational institutions are there. “Spiritual elitism. Members of the sect are instilled with the idea that they are the only saved people, that everyone around them is “second-class” people, doomed to destruction because they do not share the teachings of the sect.” Yes, this often occurs among people who graduated from Moscow State University, MGIMO, and other prestigious universities. You can insert into this empty frame, for example, all the employees of the elite special forces “Alpha”, “Vympel”, etc. They call it fighting spirit. For one thing, all officials of the Russian Federation, they are “first-class” people, they drive with “flashing lights”, and “second-class” people areon blocked roads, and patients die in ambulances. In addition to the totalitarian sect of officials, on this basis, one can add representatives of all youth subcultures. “Life control. The ultimate goal of a sectarian organization is control over many, and ideally, over all spheres of human life. To achieve this goal, adherents of the sect are torn out of their usual life and are deprived of their usual circle of friends.” Again about the army, there is control from morning to evening. Not to mention such a terrible totalitarian sect on this basis as a prison. "Political goals." Well, that’s right, all political parties are sectarians, they have political goals. So, the signs are as empty and general as the definitions. Why did A.D. write them? It is clear that the vaguer the definition of “enemy of the people,” the more executioners and scoundrels can destroy this people. The more meaningless the concepts of “totalitarian sect and psychocult,” the more people and organizations can be counted among them. Why do you need more in general and in particular? Here are the possible answers, choose the correct one yourself. The more “enemies of the people”, excuse me, “sectarians”, the more terrible the threat. The more terrible the threat, the more necessary are killers - security officers, excuse me, Dvorkins. The more in demand punishers and jailers are, excuse me, as a collective image, the more necessary “Dvorkina” is, and the more they need to be financed and injected with money. And where there is money, there is no conscience or honor. The people need to be diverted to fight “enemies of the people”, excuse me, “totalitarian sects and psycho-cults”, otherwise there will be poverty, crisis, it’s better to let them hate each other, otherwise the authorities will suddenly start making claims. The executioners always declared those they disliked as “enemies of the people,” excuse me, “sectarians” A.D. The company always announces competitors in the religious services market. The stigma “Enemy of the People” cannot be washed away; everyone understood that a decent person might be, but if they’ve been smeared with shit, then they no longer shake hands. The “sectarian” stigma also needs to be washed off with bleach. HELL. it’s very dirty, the methods are dirty, but he’s active, he spits, he waves his arms, he points his finger – and he dirty those he doesn’t like. The more people are afraid of the “enemies of the people,” the easier it is to control them, to provoke righteous anger, and to direct them at those very enemies. The more “sect-frightened” there are, the easier it is to manipulate them, well, the same thing - beat your enemies! There are many more reasons why A.D. headed a company that creates horror stories, but I don't believe them. In particular, I do not believe that Dvorkin, working on “enemy voices” in the United States, was recruited by the CIA and sent as an agent to Russia to incite religious hatred. I consider the assertion that Dvorkin emigrated from the USSR as a Jew and was specifically baptized in the USA to then return to Russia and incite discord between Christian denominations to be complete nonsense. Step three: Introducing horror stories into people’s consciousness. This is the simplest and longest stage of creating fear. Simple - because it is clear how to do it. Long - because the country is large. The methods are simple. Dissemination of information about horror stories from the Internet, forums, discussions, people will pick up and fight, because people are different and have different faiths, here, to ignite the fire of hatred, Dvorkin only had to hold a torch, for example, gather like-minded people, and recognize yogis, psychologists, teachers, businessmen - sectarians, call them, tell them how totalitarian and dangerous they are, and how well they fit into the definition - dummies. And then let them make excuses, go to court, Dvorkin always has an answer for the court. I’m not presenting facts, but an opinion, and our country is free, and people don’t judge for their opinions. Like-minded people have been gathered, people and organizations have been called sectarians - the process has begun. Conferences, speeches, television, more stories about nightmares, horrors perpetrated by the “vile hirelings of imperialism,” excuse me, “sectarians.” The media loves horror stories, any kind of them. Ratings, you know, scandals, fights, nightmares, and then Dvorkin came to the court. Either while crossing he was attacked by an evil Hare Krishna devotee, then the police did not allow him to frighten him with sects into some institution, then the trial, death threats - monstrosity,/