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We all understand well that we do not live in an ideal society. In this world there are thieves, swindlers, and philanderers, evil people who, without hesitation, will do everything to get what they want from you. They often look very good and have excellent manners, but there are always signs that give them away. You need to understand this well. We, in fact, try to understand people every day, although often you don’t even realize it. You determine whether a person treats you well or badly, whether he or she is honest or not, and whether to allow him or her into your life. The problem is that most people do not know how to interpret what lies behind their sensations and use this information to correctly assess the situation. Understanding others is not a given, it is a science. To succeed in it, three conditions are required: knowledge, experience and observation. There are five primary codes of interaction: speech, voice, facial expression, body language and behavior. In this article we will look at the behavioral code. How to identify reliable information about a person by observing his behavior. When we try to understand why a person committed a certain act - he behaved nobly or was rude, took up sports or started using drugs, We try to understand - is this related to his personal characteristics or influenced by external factors. We can consider the cause of behavior to be some unique qualities of a given individual (his personal preferences, religious beliefs, character traits and personality). At the same time, it is assumed that the behavior is associated with an internal reason, for example: “Vasya constantly calls Masha, invites her to the cinema, cafe precisely because he is in love with Masha.” We can also assume that the behavior is associated with certain situational factors that force a person to behave in a certain way. For example, if we see someone working diligently and explain this behavior by the desire to earn money, a good grade or praise, then these are situational circumstances. The reason is considered to be a factor external to the individual, for example, “Vasya constantly calls Masha, invites her to the cinema, a cafe precisely because the other girl doesn’t want to meet him.” How to correctly understand whether a person’s behavior is determined by external circumstances or personal features? When assessing observed behavior, we must take into account three factors. First, typical behavior or atypical. When a person behaves atypically, that is, differs from generally accepted norms and rules, characteristic of most people who find themselves in a similar situation, then this , as a rule, characterizes the personal characteristics of an individual. For example, you see a young man who is rude to an elderly person using profanity. Most likely, this atypical behavior is associated with the negative quality of this particular young man (“stupid, arrogant boor,” “pathologically hostile type”) than with any situational factors (for example, a remark made by an older man). Secondly, consistent or inconsistent behavior Consistent Behavior that is repeated many times characterizes the characteristics of the person, not the situation. For example, if Vasya calls Masha from time to time (once every two weeks), we can assume that he simply maintains a friendly relationship, but when he calls every day, and more than once, then you will think that his behavior rather reflects a more deep feelings, his deeply personal attitude towards this girl. In fact, psychologists developing personality theory consider constancy of behavior in various situations to be one of the defining aspects of personality traits. The third circumstance, differentiated (selective) or undifferentiated (non-selective) i.e. uniformity of behavior in many different situations in which a variety of circumstances are present. In other words, when behavior is undifferentiated (not selective), i.e., it occurs not only!