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The publication is published with the permission and support of my client and is a possible beginning of a joint book about victory over a serious illness. The article is written in the genre of an artistic essay and is a conventional sketch of a living real story. Part 1. The beginning of the journey. On the eve of the professional road. That day, a beautiful student from one of the best universities in the country defended her diploma in psychology. The demanding commission of the Lomonosov University listened to the report with interest and spoke encouragingly on the topic. A talented girl bribed literally everyone, they predicted a special future for her... Olga proudly ran out of the building and circled the street: now she is a specialist, a certified psychologist, she is so needed and useful to the world! However, fate took her along completely different roads, somewhat delaying her psychological career...Part 2. At the zenith of stunning beauty. Fashion modeling business. Olga flew through the central Moscow streets and smiled happily. Passers-by, especially men, looked after her approvingly. This did not surprise the girl at all, she knew about her beauty... The city was animatedly thundering its metropolitan music... The charm of a beautiful Muscovite decided her fate... Someone unexpectedly called out to the sweet girl... This became an invitation to a completely different life ...Paris - Milan - New York - London... Barcelona - Madrid - Berlin.... The girl shone at the most popular shows, turning the heads of the most famous beauty seekers. This is how her youth passed, this is how her brilliant career maturity began. Part 3. Dramatic losses, a serious illness. The coronavirus pandemic changed everything, the world’s catwalks were closed, the beauty returned to Moscow... And then a misfortune happened: her mother became seriously ill, and soon Her father fell ill with the same illness... And, despite all the efforts of the doctors, both were unable to recover and left this world... The severe shock did not pass without a trace for Olga and the beauty fell ill... Part 4. The Parkinson's test. It seemed that life had betrayed her : just yesterday, a piercingly happy girl lost both her parents and her health... More than that, every day brought with it deep, serious pain: Parkinson’s (this was the diagnosis that was soon given to the beauty) cramped her muscles, “twisted” her arms/legs, “paralyzed” the unfortunate body for up to several hours... Olya learned to walk again... And at the same time, master life in a new way... Part 5. Victory over the test. Many people give up on this disease and, giving up, surrender themselves to fate... Many, but not Olga... The girl unexpectedly found vocal talent in herself and began recording interesting, beautiful videos based on her own poetic texts... And also dancing - in spite of a fatal illness - yes, how delicate and elegant, look (on Olga’s personal page there is a link to her notes on VK, where her videos, texts, dances are posted.) Olga took up blogging, the number of her subscribers on VK is 10 thousand. How many realizations! What a Talent! And most importantly, having trained as a clinical psychologist, Olga returned to her initial profession - to the profession of a psychological consultant, and again began to advise, including people suffering from serious illnesses, inspiring with her example, charging with self-confidence... This The amazing healing influence puts many on their feet! Olya is a delightful person! I will leave readers a link to my client’s page. I am proud and admire the fortitude of such people: Butyugina Olga Vyacheslavovna.************************************************ ******************************** And in the end, I’ll post one of Olga’s videos for you, listen to how great she sings ...Good health to you, Olechka! Thank you for your example! PS I would like to remind the reader that the client’s story is presented in essay format, that is, a free, creative composition expressing the author’s impression on a specific occasion or topic. This genre is not a documentary copy of real life circumstances and allows for inaccuracies. I’ll mention one of them separately now: the real Olga: 8(985)665-82-54.