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- Can the doctor go to the intensive care unit? - No, to the morgue)))) Maybe not a very kind metaphor, but from our point of view it reflects a typical mentality for our culture. We turn to the doctor only when things are “hot” and there is an urgent need for treatment. The same thing happens with visits to a psychologist. And the question arises - when do you really need to contact a psychologist and is it necessary at all? As a rule, people turn to soul healers with a variety of requests that affect various areas of the client’s life. And often these requests relate to problems of a long-term nature, such as: Client: “I don’t sleep well, I feel tired, overwhelmed, I have nightmares. Sometimes I feel like I’m not there and I’m scared.” Psychologist: “How long ago did this start?” K: “About a year ago. First, insomnia started, and now what’s happening to me is preventing me from living.” P: “What happened a year and a half before these symptoms started?” K: “I had a very difficult divorce from my wife, I was left alone ". P: “Did you turn to anyone for support?” K: “No, I’m used to coping on my own.” And this is a real case from our psychological practice. If the client had applied on time, many of the symptoms could have been avoided. People in our culture often do not attach importance to qualified psychological help: “It’s better to have a strong drink and talk with a friend than to pay money for chatting”... And unfortunately, these “conversations” lead to nothing but aggravation of the issue. We do not mean that after every scandal or stress you need to run to a psychologist. In any situation, even not as complex as described above, it is important to allow yourself to admit that it is difficult to cope on your own, and this may also apply to simpler requests. For example: “It’s difficult for me to get a job” or “I have a conflict with an employee.” And the question arises: “How can consulting a psychologist help in this situation?” Sometimes it is difficult to detach yourself from a situation and see new ways of solving it, especially when it is not happening for the first time, but is repeated constantly. A psychologist can help identify the essence of the problem and help the client see new solutions, as well as provide support and accompaniment during this difficult period. We also believe that a psychologist should be contacted not only with problems, but also for the purpose of self-knowledge and self-development. Individual consultation with a psychologist can help: - find a way out of a difficult situation, for example at work - resolve a conflict with loved ones or friends - survive stress - prepare for some important event, make a choice or decision, etc. Psychotherapy (more than one consultation) can help : - survive a personal crisis - explore your inner world - change the usual way of thinking and reacting - survive the loss of a loved one - get out of depression - change relationships with loved ones, etc. Counseling or psychotherapy includes work from both a specialist and a client and is very important determine the reasons for going to a psychologist. So, if....-You want to send your husband, wife, girlfriend, children, etc. to a specialist. You might think: what role do YOU ​​play in this? It is very important that the motivation comes from the client himself. Just give the coordinates of the specialist and if the person wants, he will definitely come. -You perceive the psychologist as a magician who will wave his wand and everything will go away for you, and in the near future. But, there are different problems and they have different solution times. You are the one who changes your life first, and the psychologist accompanies you along the way - this is important to remember! - You think that maybe you don’t need this. If you're not sure, think again. If there is no motivation, then there may be no results. -You are waiting for clear instructions or an action plan to solve all problems. No one will solve your problem for you. Everything you want is already in front of you, and a psychologist helps you see it or find it. - You expect that the psychologist will turn out to be just another specialist who will also not help, like all the previous ones, to».