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How to properly feed the brain? Today, anyone interested is offered a huge amount of information on how to develop, strengthen, and “accelerate” your brain. There are special mind simulators, exercises, guides and trainings for this. With varying degrees of success, these or other methods produce their results: you can improve your memory, train yourself to count faster, or distribute attention more successfully. However, this method of “functional training” is quite demanding on the energy capabilities of the brain. In other words, by training this or that skill, we waste brain energy, which it needs, among other things, to keep ourselves “in good shape.” Remember what it’s like when, after a period of long “fatification”, suddenly realizing that “you can’t live like this any longer,” you go out to train? The body, which did not expect such a turn, and has already adapted to the lifestyle of a happy seal, begins to require more energy to restore balance: as a result (especially at the beginning of training), we sleep more or eat more, or both. What about the brain, why is it worse? When we place higher demands on our gray jelly friend, we must be willing to pay. However, you won't get away with this by simply eating chocolate. Below are a few simple points that tell you how you can please your brain and extend its life: MODE. Yes, yes, good old one! It is easier for us to distribute energy resources if we have a clear understanding of what, why and how much we will do. DREAM. It follows quite systematically from the first point: a normal adult should sleep at least 6 hours a day (this is the very, very minimum). Normal “spread”: 6-9 hours. However, you should not think that the more, the better: regular sleep for more than 9 hours is already hypersomnia, indicating that “something is going wrong” in the body. FOOD. No organ absorbs blood glucose at such a rate and in such quantities as the brain. Up to 70% of glucose released into the blood by the liver is absorbed by the brain. Therefore, under loads and stress, you need to carefully monitor your diet (for example, you should not go on a strict diet during exams). OXYGEN. To use glucose, namely, to oxidize it, our brain critically needs oxygen. (Therefore, the banal eating of chocolate in a stuffy room is also a “joy” for the brain). Walking in the fresh air, regular ventilation and breathing exercises are our true friends if we want our nervous system to be healthy. ACTIVITY. Our brain provides not only intellectual activity, but also any activity in general, therefore, when we play sports, our brain also does it. At this time, in contrast to the usual mental work, other zones are involved. During physical activity, a whole bunch of processes occur in the body, each of which is handled by the brain. In particular, activation of the circulatory system promotes not only the flow of blood in the vessels of the brain, but also the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in it, which helps it stay in good shape. MODERATION. This point has a bit in common with the first, as it encourages us to think about the time we allocate for this or that work. We have all heard that “the more you train your brain, the better”, “the brain needs constant exercise so that it does not become dull”, “people who work intellectually live longer and remain sane.” All of these statements are true and appropriate. But you need to keep one thing in mind: any work of brain cells accelerates the metabolism in them, and any metabolism implies its waste: regarding brain cells, these are fragments of proteins that are excreted into the intercellular space and “tidyed up” at night by the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. If some area of ​​the brain is used intensively, more “garbage” will accumulate in this place, so the brain needs to have enough time to clean up (by the way, diseases such as senile dementia are the result of nothing more than)))