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Today, I want to share with you a tool that, back in 2013, made a huge impression on me and became an indispensable generator of daily success and a flow of good mood. I'm talking about Milton Erickson's five principles. I will talk about them through my own model of perceiving the world with a dash of my own values. And I think this is true, because I will share what I myself have experienced and how I feel the effect of this unique model on myself. About beliefs, models and criticism. 1. Everything is fine with all people! “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” Indeed, if you dig a little deeper and figure it out, people are constantly in a state of evaluating each other. Appearance, intelligence, who has a cooler car, who has achieved what in life, who has a more beautiful wife, well, constant evaluations. There is only one question: “when do you have time to enjoy life?” Or is it impossible to live without grades? So believe me with confidence - as much as POSSIBLE! Yes, evaluation is a normal and adequate mechanism of our consciousness, I would even say that it is a protective mechanism that allows us to explore the surrounding space for safety. Just how not to get too carried away and do it constantly, every minute of your time. Two thoughts can help you: 1. if you like something about someone, it means you don’t have it and you want, by interacting with this person, to adopt the quality you liked. 2. if you don’t like something about someone, it means it’s in you, but you stubbornly refuse to admit it. These two thoughts are a great way to return yourself to reality and constructive thinking. These two thoughts will help you evaluate, first of all, your state and behavior, and as soon as you understand that the person opposite you is quite neutral, and everything that you like or don’t like is nothing more than games of your mind, then it will become easier for you to understand, that everything is OK with everyone, and if you don’t admit something, it’s your belief, which in no way can make the person standing opposite you good or bad. About constructive feedback and invaluable experience.2. At every moment of time, a person makes the best choice of all possible! We can talk about this principle for a very long time, but I will give a very simple and understandable example. But first, I’ll ask a question: “Do you think you make mistakes in life?” I'm sure everyone said in unison: "YES!" But I’ll tell you that no, you don’t commit them at all. It is very common for us to feel guilt and remorse. I think that you will not deny that in this we have our irreplaceable helpers, in the person of our wonderful parents, who will always, at any opportunity, remind us where we messed up. So draw a time line. Put your age on it - 5,10,15, etc. years. Remember what you did when you were 5 and what you are still ashamed of. Then answer the question: did you have the necessary experience at that time not to do this? Please note that you are assessing that situation from the perspective of your current age. And how can you feel guilty about something you did when you were 5 years old if you didn't have the experience that you have now? In five years, you will evaluate yourself today and think about how many times you made mistakes and how you could have acted differently. But you will be able to do this only after five years, when you have the necessary experience for this. It turns out that any mistakes are experience and feedback from the object towards which you acted. Feedback tells you how to act more productively next time, and if you accepted it along with experience, then each further action towards this object will be more and more productive. About the resource state. 3. Each person always has all the necessary resources to achieve any goals. Haven't you achieved what you wanted yet??? Then find 1000 excuses for your inaction. Yes, you heard right, because you did not achieve the desired results, because instead of active planning, budgeting,!