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You woke up from a dream, or you were drinking tea in the morning and suddenly remembered that you had a dream that you really wanted to understand. Why did you dream about this? There are so many emotions there, sometimes it’s as if I lived my whole life in a dream, and then I woke up and remembered that I lived this life there. What is this dream about? Who to contact? Dream books? No, perhaps. I want to understand it myself! How to understand my dream? For example, you are 30 years old, and you have a dream full of images, experiences, and events. Imagine that you are someone who is 40-45 years old and he is trying to send his 30-year-old self some news about what you should pay attention to in your life in order to live the next 10-15 years successfully, efficiently, joyfully and happily. . And ask yourself the question: “What was my general mood in the dream? That is, was it either anxious, or good, or joyful? Was I a winner or a loser there? What is my attitude to that image or to that figure that I observed in this dream? What does this figure mean to me? Perhaps you would like to be like some person, or this person is a powerful opponent for you, and this causes you some kind of rejection, and so on. wanted to complete this dream? What was missing most from the dream? Is this plot repeated regularly? These and similar questions will help you discover the meaning of this dream. This is your dream, it is not something outside of you, it is you and this entire space-time volume that is extended in life, it is all you. And someone from the front carriage of your life sends a message to some subsequent carriage so that everything will be fine. Signs in dreams are given by our subconscious. It is very elegant and subtle, shrouded in different emotions and feelings. After the next analysis of the dream, there is no doubt that the dream is about the current stage of life. Let's look at one example. A person dreams that he is visiting some acquaintance whom he seems to know. The house is very strange, but it is maximally adapted to the life and activities of this creative person - the owner of the house. And this person (the one who is dreaming) would not want to be seen in company with this creative person. Why? Because this creative person is something... Not that eccentric, but very individualized and bright, and his whole house is adapted to his activities, and he is a professional in his activities. He is a professional auto mechanic! And on the other hand, the dreamer is comfortable in this dream, he feels comfortable there, he likes the company of this master of his craft. Although the dreamer himself lacks the ability to handle his car, he does not understand auto mechanics at all, so he prefers to resort to the services of professionals. And he is an exceptional professional, he literally hears the engine and knows which spark plug is malfunctioning. Professional! He admires his professionalism, but he does not want to be seen in company with this master. And his house is special, and it’s very comfortable there. And what could this dream be about? At a certain age stage, which, as a rule, men and women go through from 30 to 40 years old, this is a crisis stage - a process of individualization, when a person gradually becomes himself, emerging from the shell of the meaningful life structures in which he grew up. A person is often ashamed of himself. He is afraid to allow himself to be himself, afraid of society. And in dreams, the subconscious shows that you are a real expert, and you like you, but for now you are embarrassed to show yourself to others in your true role. But there you will be truly happy. The subconscious mind says that you need, conditionally, to work through this willingness to become yourself, to stop being afraid, and this is also a signal to the psychoanalyst leading the session. There are certain tools and homework with which the client works through this in everyday life. In general, this is always an amazing and exciting story! Man is individualized. In therapy and in performance