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From the author: This article is a continuation of the article “The principle of passivity. How to use laziness for your own benefit?” If you really should rest first, sometimes this rest drags on. What to do in this situation is exactly what this article says. Good day to all! Today I want to talk to you about how to cope with difficult conditions. We all go there from time to time. Some are faced with laziness, some with apathy, some simply don’t want to do anything. At the same time, a feeling of impasse arises inside and a desire to hide in TV series, games, books, maybe even alcohol. You don’t want to do anything, you don’t want to engage in self-development or achieve your goals. Somewhere inside the fire of a dream glimmers, but it does not appear on the surface. And as a result, on the one hand, you do nothing, and on the other, you reproach yourself for not doing anything. Absolutely everyone falls into this state throughout their lives, and quite regularly. And I'm no exception. At least our women's cycles accompany this. And this is natural. Any person, no matter a man or a woman, cannot move towards a happy life constantly and evenly. Something unpleasant regularly happens on your way. Therefore, a good state, when you are actively working, is sometimes replaced by a state of laziness and stagnation. And everything would be fine if after some time the bad condition automatically improved. But, unfortunately, nature only guarantees a fall, but to get out of the dead end you have to work on your own. Today I want to talk to you about what needs to be done so that you can get out of difficult conditions as efficiently and quickly as possible. You and I will be based on three key things: Vision - why we need to get out of this state. The challenge allows you to mobilize all your strength and pull you out of this difficult state; Conscious use of the power released after the Challenge. Let's take a closer look at each of these points. Vision is your source of personal strength. Let's think about how you and I can get out of this difficult situation. You don’t want to do anything, you lie on the sofa, have difficulty getting up to work... And if you work for yourself, then you don’t get up from the sofa at all... Naturally, sometimes the thought arises that you should get up. But then the question arises - why? Why make such an extra effort to get out of bed? Therefore, you need to have a vision that inspires you. You will be able to answer yourself: “Yes, it is necessary, I have some kind of global goal, for the sake of which I will get myself off the couch and go do it.” Usually this is your purpose, your mission, what you came to this Earth for. It inspires you and gives you a boost of energy that helps you get back on your feet. If you are now in this state of impasse, but you don’t know your mission yet, then you can find out your purpose right now (for example, at one of my trainings) or understand what exactly you want to get now and set it for yourself as a goal. For example, getting married or building a house. A specific goal for 3-4 months or even a year that will motivate you. Right now, come up with a goal for yourself if you don’t know your mission yet, and it’s time to save yourself. How to use the Challenge to reach a new level? And now you are slowly getting out of your dead end. Now a Challenge awaits you - this is a task that will require you to gather all your strength to solve it. This should not be an extremely difficult, overwhelming task. Then you won’t be able to cope with it and won’t get out of your bad state. This is a task that you can do, but you can only do it to the limit. What does this usually look like in life? When you understand that it’s time to get up, I have a goal for which I will work, then you begin to do small, simple tasks. For example, clean your bedroom, write a letter to an old friend who can help you achieve your goal. As soon as there is a stream of small cases, they begin