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In psychodiagnostics, a distinction is made between sadistic personality disorder and sadism as a sexual perversion. Sadism towards a partner, of course, can have the goal of achieving sexual arousal, but sexual intercourse takes place quite traditionally, in contrast to sexual perversion, when sex cannot be separated from causing another physical and moral suffering, humiliation (beating during sex, inflicting wounds, strangulation) . By what signs can one recognize a sadist (not a sexual pervert) in a partner? The presence of 5 signs is enough to diagnose sadistic personality disorder. 1. Your partner raises his hand against you or you find out that he beat/beats his loved ones, subordinates and simply those who are weaker in order to establish his dominance; tortures animals. 2. Makes derogatory remarks about you or someone who is weaker in front of others. 3. He treats cruelly those who are in his power and in one way or another dependent on him (household members, subordinates). 4. Does not feel remorse or compassion when seeing psychological or physical torment (yours or others), but, on the contrary, it entertains him and gives him pleasure. 5. Constantly lies, can deceive the victim into giving up property, force him to take large sums on credit, exposes him to unjustified risks without informing him about it. 6. Forces you to do what others do not want through intimidation, for example (a husband forces his wife to have sex with him even if she feels bad, threatening to have a mistress, or promises to kill you if you want to leave him, kidnap your children; parent may force the child to eat tasteless food through vomiting or go to school with a high fever, etc.).7. Limits the autonomy of close people (for example, a father forbids his daughter to communicate with her friends, his wife to go out somewhere without him, constantly arranges scenes of jealousy with beatings or damage to things, insists that his wife give birth to children and not go to work - the sadist permeates his entire life with control your loved ones).8. He is interested in topics of violence and torture (watches films about this, reads relevant literature). In the case of only sexual paraphilia, sadism is limited to the sphere of sex. A sadistic pervert is addicted to inflicting physical pain and moral humiliation on his partner during sex. In his addiction, each time he goes further and further until he completely loses control over his impulses. In this case, there is a high risk of causing serious injury to a sex partner, and death is not excluded. So one woman met a man who in no way betrayed a sadist in his behavior, was kind and courteous. Everything changed when he invited her to his home. They drank a little, started kissing, and then the man took a knife and told his stunned companion that he wanted to make several cuts on her chest. Fortunately, the woman managed to escape. And the failed gentleman, as it turned out later, was registered in a psychiatric hospital. Be careful and take care of yourself! * Illustrations: photo artist Larisa Kulik and her works from the “Broken Doll” series. More useful information and communication in my telegram channel. I would be glad to subscribe 😉 https://t.me/burkova_psy Respect copyright in accordance with Art. 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ©