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We have loved fairy tales since childhood. We believe that we can get what we want. We believe in Santa Claus and the good Wizard. Unfortunately, over time, a process known as growing up, we gradually forget what it means to fulfill desires and dreams. And, as if, in order to remind people that childhood never ends and dreams can come true, the film Secret (Secret) was shot. Many books have been written about the Law of Attraction, in particular Reality Transurfing by V. Zeland. These works talk about how to get what you want in life, using special techniques and techniques. And indeed, people manage to attract what they want into their lives. But for the majority, the results are not so outstanding. Why? Are the times of miracles really over and it’s time to look “in the eyes of reality” and forget about all dreams, or is there still a chance? In my opinion, there is a chance and it is very great. The main thing is to follow certain principles. In particular, as we know, the Law of Attraction states that we always attract something into our lives, and there is no such thing as “failure to attract.” The media constantly shows us the terrible events happening in the world; the programs only talk about sheer negativity. No wonder the world has many dark moments. This is bad news. And the good news is that by changing what we emit, by emitting what is good in us, we attract even more of it. There is an expression - “money to money”, “The rich get richer, the poor get poorer”. What does the quality of what we attract into our lives depend on? In my opinion, there are 3.1 such areas. Internal state. This is also called basic vibration. You know, there is such a category of people - this directly radiates from them - that they are constantly robbed, they are constantly unlucky. Consciously, they do not know why everything is happening this way, but unconsciously a certain process is going on that attracts troubles and troubles in them. Conclusion: you need to change the basic vibration, the internal state. It is necessary, it is simply necessary to change your condition for the better. “As is inside, so is outside,” says the ancient wisdom. If you are optimistic, energetic, and feel love for yourself, the world returns everything to you in material. Work on your condition, remove negative people from your life, stop watching TV with terrible news. Stop talking about what you DON'T WANT, and think and feel WHAT YOU WANT to get.2. Self-sabotage. If you had relatives in your family who were subjected to “dekulakization,” then you have a rather small chance of building a profitable business, even if you go through all the business training in the world. Self-sabotage is what helped your ancestors survive. Now this information is outdated, but continues to influence you. Another example, the “crown of celibacy” - smart, beautiful, kind, but unhappy in love. At least go through all the women’s trainings (if a woman) or all the pickup trainings (if a man) and N-I-C-E-G-O really won’t change, because the problem lies much deeper. In the unconscious. Having healed injuries and completed the dynamics in the system, there is a chance to get healthy and harmonious relationships and enough money.3. Personal boundaries. If there was a constant violation of personal boundaries in childhood, a person will have serious problems in life. Vampires, manipulators, deceivers - all this is a consequence of bad boundaries. Moreover, if the boundaries are bad, then you won’t be able to have big money - “it’s dangerous, they’ll take it away” and you won’t build good relationships - “I won’t keep it.” Having put 3 areas of life in order, you just have a chance - and a REAL opportunity to get something in your life , whatever you want. If you are interested in learning more about the 3 areas and healing them, then I invite you to the seminar, which will take place on May 15, Wednesday, at 21:00. Link to the seminar.