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From the author: This article is the author’s work of my colleague, esoteric psychologist Sofia Svetlova. Full articles here: Desires, their fulfillment and chimeras. A short version of one of the school's lectures. * Chimera - an unrealizable idea, a pipe dream, etc. In this lecture we will talk about common desires and how to make most of your desires come true. Nowadays there is enough literature (psychological and esoteric) that gives recommendations on how to bring your desires to life with the power of thought. However, meeting many people as a parapsychologist and teacher, I observe that most of them (including those who have read books about desires) cannot do this. Perhaps the technique of fulfilling desires, given separately, outside the system of ideological knowledge, is simply incomprehensible to an unprepared person. Hence the mistakes and disappointments. By the second or third year of our school of parapsychology, students easily understand what we are talking about and how to work correctly with desires. First, is it worth wishing at all? After all, Buddha said, “Give up desires.” But while on Earth, it is hardly possible not to desire anything. At least basic physiological desires will always remain. Perhaps (since the Buddha's words have come down to us in translations) he was saying rather, "renounce attachments" or "don't get attached to desires." This can and should be done. So how can you want your desires to come true? 1. The desire must be clearly formulated. As clearly as possible, so as not to get something completely different from what you expected. 2. You need to check whether this desire is true. That is, is this what you really want? (We are studying the technique of determining true desire.) 3. Now you need to determine the approximate (or exact) time frame. The timing of when you would like your wish to come true. They must be real. 4. Next – let’s visualize. That is, we imagine quite clearly how all this will look in its implemented form. At this point it is important not to overdo it! Don't draw out small details, it's not important. In reality, things will most likely be somewhat different, so don't waste your energy on meticulous detail. Imagine everything vividly, but in general terms. Dream! Fine details tie you to desire, make you dependent on different conditions, but we don’t need this at all! 5. We charge this visual picture (our fulfilled desire) with our energy and love. We direct energy and love towards this desire. 6. Next, we give ourselves a setting. We say clearly, confidently, absolutely without a shadow of a doubt: “It will be like this! This will definitely come true! This cannot fail to happen! I have no doubts!” Strength, confidence, these or similar words. I don’t recommend saying the words “I want” at all. 7. And the following attitude: “But if this does not happen, then I will accept this option calmly, with joy and gratitude!” This setting is very important, more important, perhaps, than the previous one. And joy and gratitude should be real, even if the desire does not come true. 8. Next. We forget about our desire, and continue to live as if we did not desire anything at all. And we don’t worry about it for the entire period that remains before the implementation date. The last two points are very important in this technique. “Letting go of the desire” means fulfilling these two points correctly. Points 6 and 7 may seem to contradict each other. This is wrong. If there is no attachment, you perceive them not as contradictory, but as complementary. How to understand point 7. Simple. You have nothing to lose! You don’t have it yet, you’re only asking, you’re going to have it. And if your wish doesn’t come true, no one took anything away from you, right? And people usually grumble as if someone came and blatantly took it away. But what? Only the object of affection, which, as you see, can be virtual. Point 8 is also extremely important. Without it, the technique will not work at all! A lot of people want something №212121700971