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How to force yourself to overcome your laziness, become successful and earn a million $ by the end of the week? Well, the question is... I don’t know what to answer, yet I’m only halfway there. Doesn’t the question itself sound somehow painful? Don't you think? ;-) There really is something in the wording itself that needs to be “reflashed”)) What needs to be done for this. First, I’ll tell you the terrible truth! If you think that you lack motivation or are often lazy, the problem is not that “it is difficult for you to force yourself,” but that you do not have a great desire to achieve your goal. And there is nothing anomalous about this; I call it the “problem of the majority.” And in no way do I blame you for this. My calling, on the contrary, is to help you eliminate false beliefs, give you confidence and support. Take a blank sheet of paper. At the top, write your dream, desire, goal or some short-term goal. For example, read a book, learn English to a certain level, buy a car of such and such a color, a telephone of such and such a model, establish relationships, find a girlfriend, give birth to a son. If you take my story, I am distinguished by my positive attitude towards life so much that I first want something, so that the ways to achieve it are built on their own. In it you will see steps that, like at any beginning of the journey)) I’ll tell you a funny story about how I ended up in the UK for the first time in my life. I was about 20 years old when my former classmate Zhenya, who had already gone to Scotland to pick strawberries a year earlier, told me that the same dean at the Agricultural University told him that this year he can also go to the UK to pick strawberries. Backstory: Zhenya returned from strawberry picking about 6 months ago and his friends told about him that he brought from there about 7,000 bucks for 6 months of working there + he dressed up nicely and had a cool mobile phone! Honestly, deep down in my heart I was very envious of him. Moreover, he and his parents came to my hometown of Cheboksary from the North, he had a car, a computer, and his mother was the director of the store, and he himself was an athlete - a jock. And my mom is a nurse, my dad is an electrician... but they love me! ;-)And I won’t hide the fact that I dreamed of going to another country, especially to MAKE EARNING money! He gave me the number of that dean, I called him and said that I wanted to go to earn money! He invited me to his university. According to the terms of the student program, I was eligible: a first-year full-time student and I also had a SPECIFIC HUGE DESIRE to see real Englishmen, fly on an airplane, and show off in front of my friends when I return with a cool mobile phone and in fashionable clothes !He said that I would need to find about 30,000 rubles (14,000 for air tickets, the rest for a visa and the cost of the program itself). Accordingly, he warned me that a visa could be refused without explanation. It’s scary, of course, but Zhenya has already been there – so it’s a trusted office! What’s there to think? I want it! And I agreed right away! Here’s what I was faced with: THERE WAS NOT THE AMOUNT OF MONEY NEEDED... I was studying at the university then, although I had 6,000 in savings: I worked part-time last year, working as a helper for a friend, welder Sashka. Where did you find the rest of the amount? When all you can be proud of is a cheap mobile phone, and there is no money for a computer, YOUR NOTEBOOK WILL HELP YOU! And I started calling everyone alphabetically asking everyone to borrow as much as they could)) Although I admit, I wouldn’t lend myself money)) Why? Yes, the guy is flying abroad! But thanks to my friends for trusting me, so I never cease to live up to their expectations. Of course, while I was calling everyone, I felt terrible, like a beggar, to be honest. And there were friends who had such amounts, I even remember how Slava said: “Serge, honestly, I feel sorry for you, you’re asking for money to go work on some farm...” But nevertheless, my goal was not to listen criticism, but to find money to go to the UK! As a result, within 2 days, my friends, whoever could, borrowed me a total of 27,000 (+ my 6,000) =33000 credit! WHEN YOU REALLY NEED IT, THEN YOU WILL FIND IT! IT WAS SCARY and I thought about the worst case scenario and the way out of it? I thought, what if everything doesn’t go as I imagined: I come to the UK, and on the contrary, I don’t earn money or what doesn’t work out is that there is still a return ticket (I don’t know how it is now, but at that time students were allowed into the UK only if they had a “2 way ticket”). As soon as I pay off my debts, I’ll take out a loan and give it away, I’m honest, and I can’t let down my friends who believed in me and loaned me money! But I’ll get a job at a factory and still work off the loan! I’ll hang on mom and dad’s neck - I can handle it, if anything happens! I covered my fear! I MADE A DECISION - I gave the money and signed an agreement so as not to change my mind. I figuratively “burned the bridges” to retreat. It’s like when you buy a gym membership - then you don’t skip out - the toad is choking, the money has been paid and will not be returned if you suddenly just feel like it! What will the people around you and mom and dad say? So that they don’t start to rub in the logical side of my decision, the fact that I don’t know English well, etc., I decided not to tell them until I received a visa. And what’s wrong - I’ll get it, I’ll say so, but for now there’s no need to worry, but they’ll start dissuading you)) Moreover, my mother - she tolerates stress very poorly. If I shared my grief with her, she cried so much that I myself felt even worse and so I made a decision for myself - I will tell my mother only after everything is resolved, otherwise I will worry, and because of her I will begin to worry)) It’s all the same, as soon as I get the visa, I will no longer be dependent on my parents, and a new home will be waiting for me for 6 months! As they gave me the visa, they were already faced with the fact. I didn’t want to offend them by what I said later, and I explained why I did it. They smiled)) NOT RELEVANT OF LEFT PROBLEMS - not knowing English. Grade 4 at school. As my teacher said, “Don’t boom-boom!” )) To put it simply, I decided to minimize various doubts, because because I’m worried, I just feel more insecure, and this is not good for me! Why bother teaching him? They haven’t even given me a visa to the UK yet! )) That's how they give it, then I'll take up studying! )) If I show anything with my hands and gestures)) They gave it to me 14 days before the scheduled departure date. So what did I do? I bought a phrase book! And only after that I started learning basic phrases, although I didn’t remember them well...)) How to get to the airport in Moscow? And how do you even navigate around Moscow? I CALLED AND ASKED my brother; at that time he was studying at MSTU. Bauman, and asked ATTENTION!!!))))))))) Hello, brother! Zhen, how can I come to Moscow?...I admit, I used to go further than my city a couple of times to nearby villages, but no further)) That’s the kind of stump I really am! )) You smile - smile, but I wasn’t laughing then! ))And after that, fate gave me a day consisting of wonders of the world that modern man cannot understand! Now I’ll describe what I mean)) For the first time in my life I rode a bus for 11 hours! It was a train from Cheboksary to Moscow. On the way, out of excitement, I exchanged text messages, ended up in the roaming zone and went into the minus. For the first time in my life, I found myself at the Shchelkovsky station at 4:40 in the morning, without contact with my brother (I can’t call, the phone is in the minus). The nearest Euroset is closed. Scared by uncertainty, he begged a passerby to dial his brother’s number. He, looking at my provincial clothes, I promised to pay him whatever he said, asked how much a minute costs... ahhhhh, as soon as I remember, trash! )) It was noticeable that he was afraid to give me the phone in my hands... and I, trembling a little with fear, asked him to dial my brother’s number (who eventually dictated to him and ask), I just needed to know where I should wait for my brother and what time .For the first time in my life, I waited for about 1 hour in the waiting room of the Shchelkovo bus station for my brother to arrive, since I don’t even know where to get into the metro from and how to use it there, and even without my brother I don’t know where the airport is located and I don’t know which one I actually need - “Moscow really is kind of scary!” For the first time in my lifetook a ride on the subway!!! How cool are these trailers! Like toys! I just want to ride, yes ride! ) For the first time in my life I took an express train to Domodedovo airport - such cool trains! For the first time, going into the deportation department, I see how they don’t let my brother go any further, I’m in tears because I won’t see him for 6 months... I don’t like to leave and to this day. Those who know me better know that I like to meet, but not to send away! ) I flew on an airplane for the first time! Thank God that I had a seat by the window! )) For the first time in my life I met some cool lawyer on a plane, because he was sitting closer to me)) I told him that “...I’m flying on a plane for the first time in my life, I’m worried, let’s chat with you!” “For the first time in my life, I realized that what I consider an achievement for myself is relative: I asked him: “What do you do?” He said that he was a lawyer and had a family in London... He asked me: “What are you doing, young man?” At that moment I realized that the only cool thing about Chuvashia was that I was flying to London! And who am I - idk! )) Blushing, he replied, “Egrikalcheral worker!...Texas Ranger!” (Agricultural worker) and he smiled too)) For the first time I realized that when you don’t hesitate to laugh at your weaknesses, people turn a blind eye to them and trust them more! Yes, yes! The first time I screwed up at the airport! )) I told the reception 12 times that I was an egricalcheral worker! and I didn’t understand what they were saying to me. AAAAAAAAAAAA)) A lot of discoveries in one day! Surely I will include all this in the book))) I hope that you understand the essence: One of my secrets: I ask myself questions about any problem - how can I solve it or what does it teach me. Let’s remember “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. The main character, a young man, dreamed that a treasure was buried somewhere, and he did not know whether it was true or not. But he decided to go and find this treasure. A moment that was very memorable from this book was when the main character went to the bazaar with the alchemist, and they saw an ice cream seller: He looked tired and had sad eyes. The alchemist asked the boy: “Do you think, ice cream seller, judging by his face and eyes, has he dreamed of selling ice cream all his life?” “It doesn’t bring him pleasure.” I think not. - He also had a dream, but he did not dare to go towards it, so he sells ice cream. And now, he probably thinks that he is not capable of more... Friends, you will always have time to become an ice cream seller! I just ask you, first decide to realize your dream. Don’t turn into an ice cream seller without even taking steps towards your dream! If my friends Pavel Kochkin and Maxim Dzhabali help you find your calling, we met them for a reason - fate brought us together, more seriously, then my calling is to help ACHIEVE THE GOAL! This is the next stage after you decide who you are and what your calling is. I used to often lack support. I kept waiting for some cool guy to come up to me and tell me: “Sergey, you’re cool! And I want you to become my partner! Here's half of my business, a salary of a couple of million, just please come into the office for at least a couple of hours a week, and I will be your MENTOR! And I will teach you life!... Strangely enough, I didn’t wait. Also, although I grew up in a full-fledged family and consider myself happy for the love that my beloved parents gave me, I lacked SUPPORT. You know how I wanted to be told: “Sergey, you can! I believe in you! Keep your nose up! You will succeed and I don’t know who else can do it except you! So, are you ready? Go ahead, boldly, buddy!” And I gave this support to my friends, I studied that there are 5 types of it, there is also another level, it is already divided into 3 types, if you are interested, this program is called “Anti-drain”. What I mean is that having studied how you can support a person when they give up, I really wanted to try it on friends right away and through trial and error, I became an expert in this. Yes, yes, I’m exactly the person they turn to when they want to realize some dream, but not