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It is no secret that it is important for a person to have self-reliance as a source of internal resource. This makes it possible not to look for an endless resource in others to meet your needs, but to find it in supporting yourself. A person who knows how to do this has undergone internal maturation and has separated from his parents, separated. He has great power that does not depend on any external causes. This is self-sufficiency. However, such independence, despite its obvious advantages, has its downside. Yes, a self-sufficient person knows how to cope with everything himself, he solves his problems himself without the help of others, he also satisfies his needs on his own. He can do it all. Nevertheless, a moment may arise when his internal resource has dried up and ended. There is a reason to ask for the necessary help, which you cannot do without. It is important to acknowledge this and ask for help. There's no shame in this. Sometimes even a strong person needs the support of loved ones. Sometimes just the presence of another person nearby at a difficult moment is enough to be able to just talk or even remain silent, but together. The presence of someone you can trust always helps ease the condition. In order for such a person to spend time together, you need to call him. What does this mean for a strong person who is used to deciding and doing everything himself in his life? This means being able to admit, first of all, to himself that you are not omnipotent, that you too can be weak. Every person can be at some point in time vulnerable. It is of great importance that we have people who will not take advantage of our weakness in order to make things even worse, to finish us off completely. On the contrary, they will be able to provide much-needed support during a difficult period with respect and care. Therefore, it is important for even the strongest and most self-sufficient person to be able to be both with people and alone with themselves. Maintain this important balance in every person’s life. And even in the most intractable situation at first glance, there is always a way out. In the event that you cannot find it for a long time on your own or with the help of loved ones, it is important to seek help from a specialist. Sincerely, Your psychotherapist, coach, interpersonal relations specialist, Natalya Akhmedova