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From the author: “You will never have a second chance to make a first impression of yourself,” say those who know how important it is to present yourself correctly. This article provides key tips on how to position yourself well in your job search. Have you ever wondered why some people easily find interesting, good jobs, while for others the job search process turns into a long marathon? Surely among your relatives and friends there are both. And if career success can be at least somehow explained by the presence of profitable acquaintances or simply luck, then unsuccessful attempts to get a job are depressing and cause deep bewilderment. What's the matter? Let's try to figure it out. Typical mistakes during employment The first and most commonplace thing is the appearance of the person coming for an interview. It happens that people “drop in on the way” to a recruitment agency or to a meeting with an employer from a garage, from a store, on the way to the beach or a car wash. Dear applicants, you should not combine solving everyday issues with an interview. It is absolutely unacceptable to appear at an interview in a tracksuit, T-shirt and shorts, with string bags in your hands. The phrase “I’m doing renovations” will not protect you from losing your first impression. A visit to an employer or a recruitment agency requires compliance with a certain dress code accepted in this field of activity. Some candidates prefer to come to an interview accompanied by relatives. Psychologically, this is justified, since for parents, the child’s first job is the same as the first time in first grade. However, do not forget that your child has grown up and upon graduation has become a specialist, so do not stop your child from proving himself at the interview. If the applicant is accompanied by an active spouse, then, I assure you, it comes down to jokes. For example, the active other half seizes the initiative and begins to answer the employer’s questions instead of the candidate. In such a situation, the candidate himself looks like a person unable to express himself. After such a visit, the staff of the recruitment agency unanimously feel sorry for the poor fellow, but they cannot take responsibility for providing the employer with a sluggish and uninitiative employee. The result is a refusal. Being late for a meeting with an employer can also cause a significant blow to your business image. Explanations about traffic jams and other “force majeure circumstances” are, as a rule, not accepted. A suspicion immediately arises that in the future you will violate the work schedule. Therefore, it is better to go to the interview with enough time to arrive on time. After all, you may no longer have the chance to make a first impression about yourself. How to prepare for an interview in order to finally move from the status of a candidate to the status of a company employee and start working? Confirm that your choice was not random. Of course, you need to prepare for the interview in advance. It is advisable to think through possible questions and your answers to them, and write a summary. Try to find out in as much detail as possible everything about your future activities. Find out what the employing company specializes in, and then think about what you find interesting and promising about this work. Connect your interest in the nature of the job with the choice of educational institution where you studied, or with individual disciplines that were especially interesting to you. If you are going to get a job for the first time, you, of course, cannot yet boast of practical experience. Therefore, the only advantage that the employer will undoubtedly appreciate is your level of motivation. It is important for every employer how interested you are in the activity that will bring him money. And your task is to prove to him that you are very motivated to engage in this activity. It will also be useful to identify all the negative aspects of the work, such as the need to constantly sit at the computer,.