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From the author: For those who are moving along the path of development of themselves and the world around them. For those who study and understand the inner psychological nature of man and the world around them. For those who walks along the road of awareness, along the path of personal growth. The first stage of personal growth. At first, a person simply lives and experiences this external world. How it works, what controls it, and how to find your place in it. He collects facts, analyzes based on what he sees and hears about the world around him. And if troubles happen, the person blames either the situation or people. Bad people or bad situations are to blame. Everything is good - it means the people were good or the situation was successful. A person lives trying to satisfy his needs. Acts according to generally accepted norms and rules of behavior, without giving much thought. Sometimes he observes them, sometimes he violates them. Even superficially he understands that the world is not perfect and people are not perfect. But he doesn’t think much about himself, about his inner world, about the inner world of other people. The second stage of personal growth Then comes the next stage. When the understanding comes that not everything is so simple in this world. Here a Man begins to discover for himself not only the external, but also the internal world. He begins to know himself, to study himself. An understanding comes that a person attracts certain events and certain people with his inner state. And the words “as is inside, so outside” become clear. A person begins to observe his feelings, thoughts and the events that happen to him. And it turns out that it’s not she/he who treats me badly - but it’s me who gets angry and thinks badly about her/him. As a rule, such awareness occurs after a person is overcome by a wave of suffering. And then a person begins to be less interested in the outside world, plunging into the inner world. He begins to think about this inner world, analyze, look for answers to his questions. A person’s activity in the outside world begins to fall, and he devotes more and more time to the inner world. He begins to ask questions about the meaning of life, about the purpose of human existence, about how his own inner world works... how people work. What motivates people, what are their goals, their desires. And here a person can: Get angry at the whole world and people, because a person begins to see and understand the shortcomings of people, the shortcomings of the world. Here he can concentrate on the dark side and see only it, everywhere and in everything. Then he begins to tell everyone about what he sees and understands. Communication with such a person becomes unpleasant, as he grumbles all the time and is dissatisfied with everything. The person himself may not notice that others are unpleasant about his constant negative statements. He thinks he's opening people's eyes, showing them a reality they don't see. He is completely convinced that he brings enlightenment to people and gives useful information. He may see his own imperfections and get angry with himself. Turning your pupils with your eyes into your soul, you understand that He himself is not white and fluffy, moreover, he is never ideal or perfect. This realization can make a person very upset and angry with himself. Moreover, strong aggression directed inward can lead to a number of psychosomatic diseases. Accept your own imperfection and the imperfection of this world. In this case, a person can choose: to continue to live as he lived, trying to drown out internal pain and suffering; to begin to improve himself and the whole world; to change for the better himself and what is ready to change around him. Because he understands that the green fruit should not be picked, it must ripen. Everything has its place and time. Of all the options, the most prosperous is to change oneself and change what is ready to change. Since, angry at the whole world and people, a person can decide to leave this life. Like, that's it, stop - I'm leaving you. And he can really say goodbye to his life. There are different ways of leaving. If a person continues to live as he lived,.