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From the author: Dear readers, I want to help you figure out which specialist to contact in case of various mental health problems Consultation with a psychologist, consultation with a psychotherapist, consultation with a psychiatrist, business training, psychotherapy group, individual psychotherapy ...or Helpline? How can a non-specialist understand all this? I am writing for ordinary people who feel that something is wrong with their mental health, but do not understand who to turn to. If you don’t have any special psychological problems, you just want to improve some skill, for example, learn to speak freely in front of an audience without much embarrassment, or learn to sell effectively or meet people under any circumstances, etc., then you can safely sign up for a business training where they will teach you how to do this. If there are psychological problems and they, as you suspect, begin in early childhood and do not disappear with age, but on the contrary do not allow you to live your life well, then you can go to psychotherapeutic groups or individual non-drug psychotherapy with a psychologist who has experience specifically psychotherapeutic work with people, and not just a psychologist-consultant. If the problem arose recently against a background of relative prosperity. It concerns one area of ​​life: for example, relationships with a loved one or relatives, or some choice, you don’t know what to do, but life hasn’t changed much, it’s still the same social circle, you sleep at night, work or study during the day , then most likely you should have a one-time consultation with a psychologist. If the problem arose a long time ago or recently as a result of severe stress, but you cannot cope with it for some time, you sleep poorly, you are not in the mood, then most likely you should see a psychologist for short-term therapy, or a psychotherapist for pharmaceuticals. and perhaps both. If the problem arose a long time ago, and over time it only gets worse, you have a sleep disorder, eating behavior and emotional instability, you have quarreled with your loved ones and work colleagues, then you urgently need to see a psychotherapist or a good psychologist for non-drug therapy. If the problem concerns your loved one, he behaves strangely, talks to himself, says strange things (delirium), you fear for his life and health, then you need to take him to a psychiatrist or come without him, talk to a doctor about the strangeness your relative. Well, if you or your relatives have problems in all areas of life, and everything is aggravated by the use of psychoactive substances, and besides, hallucinations, pictures appear (God forbid!), you hear voices (God bless you!) that tell you what something, or both, then you urgently (!) need to see a psychiatrist-narcologist, and then to a psychologist, or better yet, to the Rehabilitation Center, where there are narcologists, psychotherapists, and psychologists, because your problem can be solved only with the help of specialists and only comprehensively!!! In what cases do you call the Helpline? Usually it is advisable to call the Emergency Psychological Helpline if something happens suddenly that your psyche cannot cope with or copes with great difficulty. This could be acute grief, the loss of a loved one, a crisis stage in life, an unexpected turn of events, suicidal thoughts, an anxious or unpleasant state, the reason for which you do not quite understand... As a rule, a person calls the Helpline to change his current state moment in time, if you want to work out some !