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It would seem that take it and change it, but those who have tried it understand that it’s not so simple. There are subtleties here, let’s look at a simple example. There is such a belief “you need to raise your children so that they do not cheat.” It seems obvious that no one wants their children to deceive. Do you agree that children should be raised so that they do not deceive? We take it and educate it, explain to the child that it is impossible to deceive. We strive to never deceive anyone. But the child has grown up and remains at home alone. A stranger rings the doorbell and asks: “Are there any adults at home?” What should the child answer? Say honestly: “I’m home alone, there are no adults” - or deceive: “Dad is home, but he’s sleeping, he said not to wake him up.” Maybe , is not the best example, but it clearly shows that the belief “children should never lie” is not reasonable. There are times in life when, for the sake of safety, a child needs to deceive strangers. If you understand this, then you can consciously take and cancel the wrong belief you have accepted, replace it with a more reasonable one. Try it and if you succeed, it means to replace the old belief it is enough: 1) To see and understand its fallacy. 2) To evaluate it as incorrect, unprofitable. 3) To accept a new, reasonable, more profitable one. But there are cases when an incorrect belief is literally driven into a person. For example, parents did not just explain that it was wrong to lie not good, but they secured it with a belt. Then simply understanding and realizing to cancel an incorrect belief will no longer be enough. You will need to remember a particularly striking case when an incorrect belief was reinforced by pain, and remove the pain that remained in the person’s consciousness. Bodily pain, which is recorded in consciousness and stored in the form of tension, bodily clamps. And mental pain, for example, resentment against parents for beating them. In such cases, the old, incorrect belief, attitude, will lose power only when the pain is removed. We remove pain, cancel an incorrect belief, accept a new, reasonable one. I wrote in more detail about how to remove old pain that remains in consciousness in the article “Where does counseling end and psychotherapy begin?” https://www.b17.ru /article/137939/If you have any questions, ask here or contact in person. Psychologist - Andrey Georgievich Shatyorkin. I provide consultations and psychotherapy on Skype and other messengers. Sign up for a consultation by phone. +7-923-621-0007