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Self-love is like the sun, only in the soul. The sun is important. When there is not enough sun, plants grow frail, children grow sickly, and adults also feel unwell. Everyone needs the sun. Self-love is also the sun. Only the sun is inside a person. If there is a lot of sun-love in him, then he warms himself and warms others. Or exchanges them. One has a pink sun inside, the other has a blue one. There is a lot of light and warmth. Why not share. The more love you have for yourself, the more love you have for the world and others. He who knows how to love himself accepts the love of another with joy. And if a person does not know how to love himself, then he will not be able to accept the love of another person. Without self-love, it is difficult to create harmonious relationships. And therefore, when a woman does not love herself, then her relationship will develop according to one of two scenarios. In the first case a woman will strive to earn love. She will be helpful and flexible, she will put her interests in last place, she will endure the rude and cruel antics of her partner, just to keep him. She won't be able to say no and defend herself. Expecting at least a drop of love from him, suffering, she will agree to everything. At the same time, she will drive herself more and more into dislike for herself. Because she believes that her partner’s behavior is justified because she deserves it. After all, if she tries and endures, she will receive love. I think it was these women who came up with the saying “hitting means loving.” To somehow make my unbearable existence easier. After all, this means that he is at least not indifferent to her. She means something to him. And in this she can find illusory pieces of love. But relationships can develop according to a different scenario. When a woman becomes a vampire, constantly demanding love, unable to get enough. It is very difficult for the person who fell in love with her. Hunger for love makes a woman cling to her partner. She will be jealous and demand proof of love, she will control and manipulate. She will never have enough. Gifts, attention, constant monitoring - “Where are you?”, “Why didn’t you pick up the phone?” and other tricks with which she tries to get as much attention and love as possible. And a loving partner will try and do everything for her. Until he runs out of strength. Sooner or later it will become exhausted. And then everything will end. Because he will no longer be able to be in this toxic relationship. And that’s all, because a woman cannot understand that you can fully satisfy the hunger for love only if you know how to love yourself. Because otherwise the love that another person gives is simply not assimilated. Receiving love, she is not able to accept it. She will devalue her all the time. Finding her not strong enough, sometimes selfish, sometimes not ideal. Therefore, dear ladies, if you see that your relationship is developing according to one of the described scenarios, and the reason for this is the inability to love yourself, then stop and take care of yourself. It's time to learn to love yourself. If childhood attitudes and beliefs prevent you from doing this (Loving yourself is wrong. Loving yourself is selfish, you need to think about others first, and then about yourself), then it's time to go to a psychologist and cleanse yourself of them. And then the sun of self-love will warm you and your loved ones. Good luck and love to you! © Psychologist Solovyova Larisa Aleksandrovna Liked the article, like and subscribe to the channel. Email [email protected] WhatsApp/Viber +79622053564