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It’s hard to imagine how many books, articles, films are devoted to the topic of relationships between a man and a woman. What assumptions are made by modern authors and writers of past millennia. Is it possible to understand the nature of the relationship between a man and a woman? ?Is there a set of rules by which you can build a relationship - a good relationship between a man and a woman? Is it possible to calculate the development of a relationship with a particular man or woman? Is there a law of relations between a man and a woman? In this article I will simply express my personal opinion. The opinion of just a woman and the opinion of a female psychologist, in whose memory there are many cases of men and women of different ages, as well as married couples with different lengths of life together and different stories. Why is it so difficult for men and women to understand each other? A biker rides along the California embankment... And then a cloud appears and a voice is heard: “My son, I know that, despite appearances, you always believed in me.” I will reward you for your loyalty and fulfill your desire. The man thought and answered: - Lord, build a bridge between California and Hawaii - sometimes I really want to ride a motorcycle to the islands on the weekend. Lord: - Hmm, a great idea, but build a huge bridge made of metal and concrete, with legs to the very bottom of the ocean... you and I will ruin the world around us. Of course, I can do this, but with great effort. Think about another wish with which you would actually help humanity. - Lord, you are right, as always... Make sure that every man understands women... always... even when they smile silently or suddenly cry.. And so that men, understanding them, always know how and how to please them, how to help them in difficult moments of life, how to love them and... The Lord interrupted him: - How many stripes do you want on the bridge? I think the whole difficulty is in the relationship between a man. and a woman occurs due to the fact that a woman is trying to take the place of a man, depriving most of them of the opportunity to fulfill his duties. And, unfortunately, most of them are happy with this situation, because they were raised by the same woman, who for some reason decided to take over yourself the role of a man. This did not happen in just one decade, of course. I don’t want to give any assessment of this fact. Did such a failure occur after the war of 1941-1945, when most of the men died at the front. Many women raised their sons on their own, and when the time came for them to start their own family, not every mother was ready to let her grown son go. Some mothers kept and keep their sons near them, cultivating infantilism in them. Perhaps everything happened much earlier, it is impossible to say, and whether it is necessary. It is possible to assume that civilization is to blame for everything, but I do not agree with this. After all, there remain, and there are quite a few of them, masculine men. Modern research confirms the masculinity of the modern woman and the femininity of the modern man. And when choosing a partner, you should take this fact into account. And if the desire to be a man in a skirt is about you, then keep in mind that a man in the classical sense will not be able to be next to you. If only because in a heterosexual relationship one should be a man, the other a woman. Before you decide to build a relationship (we don’t take the candy-bouquet period into account), meet your chosen one’s mother. Are you ready to compete with her? Cases when the husband’s mother lives thousands of kilometers away do not count. I assume that in such cases there is counter-identification (the need for otherness) or good separation of the man. Is it possible to understand the nature of the relationship between a man and a woman? I think we should not strive to understand the nature of the relationship between a man and a woman, but simply not resist it. There is no point in inventing something that is already ideal and inherent in us by Mother Nature. We each have our own functions. The woman must give birth to offspring, the man must fertilize and care for his wife and offspring. Everything else is secondary, but no less important. I will immediately answer supporters of IVF: IVF is first!