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From the author: How not to make a mistake in choosing a profession? This topic begins to worry parents long before their children reach the age when it is important to choose a university. Some thoughts on this matter, which I shared at one of the parent meetings. The topic of career guidance worries parents already from kindergarten age, and it is not surprising that the age range of the children of those parents who came to the meeting yesterday “How to help a child choose a profession” ranged from 7 up to 16 years old. I would like to thank Olga Salimova, the creator of the wonderful platform “Trends.Inspirations.Ideas” for proactive, energetic and positive people who want to change the world for the better, for such an open, grateful and receptive audience. HR and personnel selection specialist, director of the recruiting agency Saltanat Abiltaeva shared valuable information about how companies evaluate university graduates without work experience, as well as the forecast for the profession market. Svetlana Bogatyreva, project director of the Women's Leadership Fund and the Business Mom project, recalled, that parents have an excellent opportunity to test their children for suicidal tendencies on the website http://teenslive.kz/ (By the way, if you come to me through this site, then based on an agreement with the Women's Leadership Fund, the cost of consultation for your teenager is instead of 5000 KZT will be 20% less, i.e. 3500 KZT). As usual, I tried to convey the information in a playful way, to which the parents responded very eagerly and gratefully. I’ll summarize a little what I said to my parents with the help of metaphorical cards, sandplay and answers to their questions. It seems to me that the most important thing is not so much the right choice of profession, but to achieve an understanding, warm and trusting relationship with a teenager. I have listened to more than one sad story from my adult clients about how he is “out of place.” When analyzing each situation, I am increasingly convinced that suffering over the “wrong profession” is, as a rule, a consequence of “wrong” relationships with parents, the pain and resentment of which found such a more “ecological” explanation in the form of “I I chose the wrong profession." As a rule, the “wrongness” of a profession is related to HOW the teenager was introduced into it. If by pressure and pressure, then even if the profession is really suitable and there are all the necessary data for it, the teeth on edge and protest will be experienced, perhaps all your life. At the meeting, I dared to share some thoughts based on my own life experience, not to mention the numerous confirmations of this idea from the experience of psychological counseling. My mother was a fairly strong-willed person, the head of the trade and procurement department of a vegetable base and, if anyone remembers, the trade sector was very prestigious in times of stagnation. Of course, given the prestige of my mother’s profession, I didn’t really want to go to some pedagogical school for the music department in order to fulfill my mother’s dream of “being a real woman” and not a “draft horse.” But she really saw my inclinations, predispositions, talents and, of course, she was right that I had a different, more fragile personality structure, not for the aggressive trading sphere. However, she was unable to explain this to me without bitterness and resentment on my part for many years. But, based on her observations, I really had all the makings of working with children. I really have always succeeded in this. My mother called me “The Great Combinator” because she saw creative potential in me and it also came in handy when working with children and more. I have found this knowledge very useful in raising my own sons, who are now 21, 19 and 15 years old. Yes, I didn’t start working in my profession for a long time, but at that time it was really useful to me. Therefore, do not rush to blame parents; it is better to understand the traumatized experience of parent-child relationships. After all, in production, in a company, you work among people who may resemble ghosts of the past andIn this case, there is no need to write off the “wrongness” of the profession. When the guys, when I was working at the college of the International Academy of Business, came to me and complained that “this profession is not mine,” each time it was a complaint not about the profession in in general, but to the parent who forcibly put him there. My task in this case was not to discredit the parent in the eyes of the child by his “wrong choice” of profession, but to try to work with the pain and misunderstanding between him and the parent. I believe that in life a person should have two wings: one administrative, the other - creative. If you love photography (creative wing), then it is probably not advisable to spend 4 years of a bachelor’s degree in this profession at a university. You can spend less time learning this type of hobby profession, given the love and desire to do this, but at the same time have another education that will structure, train and bring practical benefits, and will provide the opportunity to compete in the market (administrative wing). After all, it is also important to strengthen the will and, you see, even the greats of this world, who reached incredible heights in their favorite craft, did not always have to do only what they liked. It is important to learn to achieve something, to pay the price, to “do this constantly,” as the Apostle Paul taught Timothy. I studied at a music school, and although I did not become a great pianist, I am still very grateful to my mother for not allowing me to quit “music school” when I suddenly stopped liking studying (I entered there myself and studied with great desire until a certain age) . Daily exercise (even for 20 minutes instead of the required 2 hours) was still an excellent conditioning, thanks to which I still show persistence in many areas of my life. Don't be afraid to supervise children in reasonable doses. Hypoprotection (lack of control and care) is a type of psychological violence. The child then reads the information that you are simply indifferent to him. But it is important to remember that hyperprotection (overprotection) does not contribute to the child’s greater involvement in his own development. You should not overfeed your child with opportunities and follow his lead. In order for a child to want something, it is important to create a reasonable deficit. The choice of profession can also be influenced by a person who charmed your child with his charisma and charm and the child, without understanding this, decided that he now needs to have exactly the same profession. And it doesn’t matter whether there is a predisposition and purpose for this. It is important to understand that not every product offered on the educational services market is suitable for your child, despite all the literacy, persuasiveness and charm of the university representative. Children at this age are still very indiscriminate, so don’t be afraid to advise your children, don’t be afraid to recommend something. It is no coincidence that you turned out to be the parent of this particular child, and you, like no one else, feel him, understand his inclinations and calling. There are a lot of psychological tools to help a child decide on a career choice, taking into account the type of nervous system (with a weak type it is impossible to endure stress for a long time or work all day with a jackhammer), temperament (it is unlikely that a hot choleric person will sit at a monitor all day, even if you say that an IT specialist is the profession of the future), a predisposition to something (there is man-technology, man-nature, man-man). The science of psychology can help you with this. Another factor that should be taken into account is the order of birth of the child in the family. When I said this, my parents’ eyes widened, “What does this have to do with it?” But, from the experience of a mother of three sons, I can say that the task of the middle child is to “catch up and overtake” the older one, whom everyone admires, and often the middle one begins to “overtake” him in everything, including the direction of his professional activity or intended choice. I often had to slow down my middle son in his hysterical struggle to “catch up and overtake” and explain what he had