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Manipulators are real people, not a myth invented by psychologists. They do not behave straightforwardly and openly, but play all the time, trying to achieve some of their goals (the value of which, by the way, they themselves greatly exaggerate). They look for workarounds even where they can go straight. Is manipulation always bad? Yes, always, definitely. Psychologically healthy people are open and confident in discussing their desires or problems. However, do not write off attributing yourself to free people if you are not used to manipulation. Think about it: do other people's manipulations affect you? If yes, then you are a victim, and you are also not good in psychological health. After all, you could have long ago stopped communicating with someone who presses, forces, takes advantage of. But this is such a “wonderful” reason to complain about others and your fate. That's why manipulators swarm around you. Both at home and at work. Many people like to talk about their boss - a tyrant who drinks all the juices. What prevents you from leaving such a job and not enduring bullying? How to get out of the vicious circle? First of all, your task is to deal with yourself. Take a closer look at yourself, your family, your surroundings. Find manipulators near you and don’t fall for their bait again. Never tolerate manipulation from anyone. And, of course, don’t manipulate yourself, try to speak directly about what you want, what your tasks and goals are. After all, it is difficult to admit to ourselves that we are not ideal. But watch yourself. You don't use manipulation? Many people sin with this and don’t notice it; they consider it normal. Naturally, it is difficult to change quickly and start playing “fairly” after many years of deceptions and tricks. However, it will be worth it, you will notice that your life will become freer. You'll see - it will work. In addition, understand that re-educating someone who does not want it is absolutely pointless. Until the person himself is ready to change, your efforts will be in vain. He is sure that he is healthy, he gets what he strives for, he has made money, he has “bent over” his partner, he has deceived his counterparties - everything is fine with him. And tell someone else that this is “illness” and in general it would be nice to be treated. Of course, this usually does not go away without leaving a mark on the psyche of the manipulator himself. Actually, that’s why they initially choose this way of solving problems: deception, blackmail. They adopted this style of behavior from their parents - most likely, they themselves were once victims and learned to manipulate in order to avoid direct confrontation and avoid punishment. If you are faced with the fact that you are constantly being manipulated, you need to work on yourself! Come to us, we will help you break the vicious circle. Sign up by phone 8 953 3291 112.