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Now let’s clarify the question of what our life experience is and how to use it correctly. In its meaning, experience is an experiment. We carry out experiments in order to confirm or refute our hypotheses and ideas about ourselves and the world in practice. Logically, if you treat life as an experiment, then answers to your questions will sooner or later be obtained. But if the experiment is formal, the researcher is not concerned about the truth, but about the scientific degree, then, most likely, the results will be falsified. In this case, the person will not gain any experience from the situation. In fact, this happens very often in the lives of each of us: problems accumulate, but there are still no answers to the questions. We begin to seek help from advisors whom we consider authoritative. We are looking for answers in smart books. We go to see consultants. We may even adopt someone else's theory that works for us to analyze and explain our failures. Often people who “understand everything” come to see me. Such a person usually says: “I have already read many books on this topic, theoretically I understand everything that I should do, but for some reason I can’t do it in life. I can’t pull myself together, or I don’t have the strength...” Why is this happening? Don't people have enough personal experience to use in their lives? The most amazing thing is that there is actually enough and even in abundance. But many don't take it seriously. They don't underestimate him. The last phrase contains the key to answering the question of how to use your life experience. IT NEEDS TO BE EVALUATED. Any data obtained as a result of an experiment is just data. The result depends on the experimenter. An honest experimenter will not wishful thinking, will not distort reality, and will therefore obtain knowledge that works. If he evaluates something incorrectly, then he takes out his protocols and records from the archive and re-evaluates them. He can return to his “data” again and again until he finally sees errors in the calculations. And when this happens, everything will naturally fall into place. Thus, for those who really want to use their life experience, it can be advised to begin to restore the ability of objective recall, which is inherent in every child. Notice what a psychologically healthy person does from time to time: he automatically recalls the events of his day or moment in order to understand the situation. What is important is how he does it - impartially, without sparing himself or others. He remembers everything down to the smallest detail and tries to restore a complete picture of what happened. This real picture may not appear immediately, but after a person remembers his thoughts, feelings, sensations at that moment. But when he truly rethinks all his reactions, he will receive in return a true understanding of the causes and consequences of his life, and this is real life experience. Often we, frivolously or painfully wincing, declare: “I don’t want to think about it! Let's go! God bless him!" And then with age: “If only youth knew! If only old age could!” So, maybe we won’t wait for old age and let’s not put off our life experience for later? Let's start it today.