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I’ll share what helps you “stay in yourself” now. I already experienced something similar to today in 2014. Flooding anxiety, pain, fear, powerlessness, collapse of all plans. But. After and during any war, your life does not stop. Day after day, you make decisions, you can help those around you, you can do what aligns with your values ​​to the best of your ability. Let me emphasize: TO THE BEST OF YOUR POWER. Most likely, it will not be me or you who will become the heroes that will be written about in books. It is unlikely that anyone reading this text will be able to stop the war through personal efforts. None of us have that kind of influence alone. Therefore, you should not expect heroic actions from yourself, such as joining the ranks of military journalists or nurses. If you can do it, good. If you can't, that's okay, it doesn't make you a terrible person. Most people cannot do this, because it is very difficult. Now it is important not to fall into powerlessness, but to understand where your border between powerlessness and the ability to act is: what you personally can do - for yourself, for your loved ones, for the media that it is important for you to read , for the organizations that are important to you to help, for the people with whom you come into contact every day. If you can work and donate, work and donate; you can volunteer, volunteer; you can leave, leave. If you can support your anxious friends, support them, this will reduce the load on the helplines. You can sit at home and not add work to the emergency services - that’s also good. Inaction and thoughts about the futility of efforts are paralyzing. Think about what is important for you to accomplish in your life, what values ​​to convey, who to take care of. What actions would you like to be remembered for? Crises raise existential questions that you have to answer. It is inaction that makes a victim a victim. Find meaning in something and do it - water the flowers, feed the cat, draw illustrations, write code, hold meetings and consultations, help refugees, teach classes, put your feet on the floor and breathe deeply. Cry if you need to and return to the real world - hug your friends and family, touch your favorite sweater, listen to your favorite singer, smell your favorite scented candles or spices, eat something. Life doesn't stop. You don't stop living, even if something terrible happens around you. Everything comes to an end, and it’s good if you manage to get to this point with the least loss, first of all, to your health, both physical and mental. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Peace to all. #No war