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From the author: Tested on yourself: you can repeat it! Let me make a reservation right away that my article is not a guide to action on a mass scale. And it is not for adherents of traditional forms of marriage, but for “freethinkers” like me. Guest marriage is not so much a type of marriage (in the usual sense of the word), but rather a fairly stable form of relationship between a man and a woman, which allows, on the one hand, to maintain unabated mutual interest at a high level for a long time, and, on the other hand, to maintain a certain degree of autonomy and freedom for each of the partners. After all, for creative and self-sufficient people, this is a necessary condition for normal functioning and maintaining a preserved level of their mental health. This option is especially suitable for couples who are harmonious in terms of psycho-tempo-rhythmic characteristics, but are not sure that this is their soul mate, “their” person in life. For those who are hesitant. Relationships of this kind have long been practiced in the West, which, of course, is not a decree for us, but they have a number of advantages compared to traditional forms of marriage. The main condition: each partner must have their own separate territory, or, in extreme cases, a rented shared apartment, where they can constantly meet. Why did such a “lightweight” form of relationship appear? Yes, because throughout the 20th century there were processes of individualization, emancipation and erasure of gender differences. They are still relevant today. In addition, an absolute myth is the idea that every girl dreams of marriage, a dress like a teapot doll, and other bullshit. For example, I “acted out” my marital fantasies at the age of 6, making a veil with my own hands from a tulle curtain, which I successfully placed on my stupid head. Dissatisfied with the reflection I saw in the mirror, I “angrily” cut up the innocent curtain, deciding once and for all that putting canopies on my head is not mine, it doesn’t suit me! So, guest marriage (this is mine!) allows you not to step over the line of everyday life in a romantic relationship, dating as much as your heart desires, but at the same time maintaining the “status quo”. That is, no obligations, routine, curlers and sweatpants, mutual claims and other “joys” of a full-fledged family life, which inevitably lead to the psychological and then physical cooling of the spouses. In a guest marriage, satiety does not set in, since the partners manage to get bored, and, most importantly, the intrigue remains: “Am I still his beloved/beloved? Or not anymore?” That is, there is no main disadvantage of marriage - availability and confidence in the status of a loved one. In addition, in the field of guest relations there are endless possibilities for fantasies, surprises, role-playing games, etc., which also allows both to maintain tone and the desired “degree of burning” in the relationship. It has been proven in physiology that the very factor of availability-dependence in marriage reduces libido several times. We are conquerors, what we already have ceases to be valuable, we need new goals, objects, etc. And the psyche requires new sensations, which quickly become dull in marriage. Moreover, as a psychologist, I am sure that this applies equally to both men and women. Another big plus of a guest relationship is that at the end of it there is no need to share anything, because in principle there is no property acquired together. This means that the intelligent ending is inevitable: there are no material claims. If during such a relationship “children” appear, then, if desired, the man can easily register his paternity. And the child will receive all the same rights as a child in marriage (the right to inheritance, alimony, etc.) All these advantages together make it possible to recognize this form of relationship as having the right to exist. By the way, nothing prevents a guest marriage from developing into a normal one, if the partners so desire. Why, in fact, is not an option for modern people, many of whom avoid responsibility? Well,!