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There are times in life when you feel terribly alone. Even when you have a family and close people who can help and support... Even when you have a beloved son or daughter who can melt all the ice in the world with their sincere smile... Even when outwardly everything is fine with you, you have a good job and normal relationships with colleagues, you have friends who can answer your call and come with your favorite cake and sit with you over a cup of aromatic tea... Or maybe it’s the other way around - you return again and again alone to an empty apartment, where there is silence day after day becomes your hated enemy... Or you hear the laughter of a neighbor's child behind the wall and your heart once again shrinks from the bitterness and heaviness of an unrealized dream of motherhood... And sometimes you so badly want to come to your parents' house, open the door familiar from childhood with your key, cross the threshold and find yourself in the warm embrace of your mother, so that for a few magical moments you can again be a carefree child, hear your father’s voice: “Hello, daughter! How are you?” - and feel how all your worries, worries, problems dissolve and disappear, just like the snow melts under the gentle spring sun... But you know that this will never happen again, because they are no longer there... such moments you don’t want to call your friends, listen to funny stories, go to your favorite cafe or cinema together, at such moments you for some reason don’t want to communicate with anyone and tell someone about what really worries you, oh what hurts your soul...Why? I call such moments “hearing the voice of your soul.” We, people, live in a society; we are constantly surrounded by a huge amount of information, people, ideas, events, things, desires, tasks, temptations, expectations, compliances, obligations, plans, etc. etc. Eternal running...We can't help but move. Movement is life. But in this general chaos, we often forget to do important things. Really important things: smile at your men and thank them, hug your children, call your parents with good news or just words of love and support. We forget to be interested in successes and be happy for our friends, be polite to other people we don’t know, enjoy the new day and the autumn sun and simply notice something pleasant around... But the most important thing is that we forget to listen to ourselves... To that part of ourselves where solutions to all the most complex super-tasks and problems are stored, where there is an inexhaustible source of resource and inspiration, where there are answers to all important questions and exits from all the labyrinths and dead ends of life. That is why our inner wisdom does everything possible to stop and slow us down in this race. It seems to “paralyze and de-energize” you, depriving you of the desire to move, communicate with someone and listen to someone. She does this for one single purpose - so that you can finally hear the quiet voice of your soul. Hear answers to questions that you are used to running away from: why am I alone now? or why am I with this man now? is that where I'm going? When was the last time I genuinely laughed from the bottom of my heart like I did when I was a child? What did I do to be happy? what do I really want? when will I finally learn to love and accept myself?.. In such rare moments of confession and revelation, you want to cry... But many women, even in such moments, continue to be dishonest with themselves - they do not allow themselves to do this. They consider tears to be a manifestation of their weakness and worthlessness, and continue to treacherously ignore their feminine essence, closing themselves off from the voice of their soul. But you just need to hear yourself, allow yourself to be real, sincere, sometimes vulnerable, sometimes weak, not ideal, with smudged mascara, but real. You need to take off all the masks and open up to meet yourself... And then the previously hated tears become life-giving moisture for the garden of your soul. And then the soul gradually thaws, comes to life and blossoms. Filled with light, warmth, love, softness, tenderness... And then there will be a New