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Communal narcissism is a form of maladaptive narcissism. This is an inflated perception of oneself and one’s moral qualities. A person is confident that he is more moral, purer, more deserved than his immediate environment. This type of narcissism manifests itself in situations of charity, caring for homeless animals, volunteering, and “free” care for collective needs. Communal narcissists are people who try to appear very positive and caring. At first they succeed in this, they can charm. However, such a narcissist uses his friends, colleagues, family to express his narcissistic beliefs and receive narcissistic feed in the form of admiration. If they don’t want to admire him, he turns to shame, guilt, and pity. Communal narcissism became known after a study on this topic was published in the Journal of Personality Research in 2018. But this does not mean that such narcissists did not exist before. There were a lot of them in Soviet times. Communal narcissism is an attempt to receive a favorable assessment from others, a denial of a genuine collective view of oneself. The communal narcissist is most often raised on guilt, a sense of obligation, and toxic shame. As a child, his right to live for himself was taken away. As an adult, he is perpetually engaged in compensatory behavior and feels good solely because he thinks that others appreciate his "great" contribution to social life, his "concern" for their well-being. The communal narcissist is grandiose, but he "goes beyond" of your self to validate your worth. Its value is in showing concern for someone. This is a person who makes efforts to help other people, animals and receives the praise and admiration associated with this. It is very important for him to be considered altruistic and benevolent. He craves praise. It is very important for him to be morally superior to those around him in his perception. He longs to command, to rule, and wants to be obeyed. May resort to hypocrisy. His true motivation is not to be helpful and kind. He only seems like that. If you get to know him better, the impression changes. He seeks to subjugate people and extract resources from them. He strives to help someone, while in his own life there is chaos and disorder, a clear lack of resources. He is engaged in charity not because of excess money. This is how he gets rid of the gnawing feelings of insignificance, guilt, shame and anxiety. He does not believe in his own worth and seeks confirmation of it from the outside. Spending his resources on a “good” cause, he seeks to make others addicted to the guilt complex in the hope that they will compensate him for their losses. And if someone allows him to rule and command them, he risks turning into a slave, which the master communal narcissist will always be dissatisfied. And then this person will probably become very “bad” for him. Maybe even his worst enemy, if he suddenly sets clear boundaries. The communal narcissist almost always speaks poorly of someone who once helped him. No one lives up to their expectations and can be, in their minds, as good a person as they are. This is a consequence of their grandiosity.